Imperial War Museums - Deputy Head of Estates

About IWM

IWM is one of the world’s leading authorities on FRQ̱LFWDQGLWVLPSDFWRQSHRSOHȃVOLYHVǿIURP 1914 through to the present day and beyond. 2XUFROOHFWLRQVDUH̰OOHGZLWKSHUVRQDOVWRULHV DQGH[SHULHQFHVLQVSLULQJSRZHUIXODQGRɓHQ FRQ̱LFWLQJHPRWLRQV:HDLPWRVKDUHWKHVH stories with as many audiences as possible across the world in a way that engages and challenges them, increasing understanding of ZK\ZHJRWRZDUDQGWKHH̯HFWWKDWFRQ̱LFWKDV on people’s lives. In other words, we expect our stories to change the way people think about war. New challenges arise regularly on our diverse estate portfolio, so the Senior Technical Services Manager role requires an individual who thrives on this and will embrace complexity and nuance. This in turn will support our goal of delivering a safe and compliant estate with excellent facilities services provision for all users of our estate.

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