:HUHO\RQRXUVWD̯WRKHOSXVDFKLHYHWKLVDVSLUDWLRQ<RX should be able to demonstrate the skills and competences set out below, but equally we are looking for people who believe in what we do and who we are, and can treat every colleague, customer or visitor with enthusiasm. These are the qualities that make IWM such an extraordinary place to work.
Purpose of the job
This is a mechanical and electrical / building services based role supporting the Head of Estates to ensure IWM has a VDIHFRPSOLDQWDQG̰WIRUSXUSRVHHVWDWHWRVXSSRUWDOO user activities, including storage of the collection, staging H[KLELWLRQVDQGSURYLGLQJVDIHVSDFHVIRUVWD̯DQGYLVLWRUV 7KLVZLGHUDQJLQJDQG̱H[LEOHUROHFRYHUVPDQ\ components of the estate, including maintenance, asset management, FM services, project delivery, compliance and auditing.
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