Key duties
<RXZLOOEHH[SHFWHGWRZRUNLQGHSHQGHQWO\DVZHOODVDFURVVGL̯HUHQWGHSDUWPHQWV DQGWHDPVDWDOO̰YH,:0EUDQFKHV,:0/RQGRQ,:01RUWK,:0'X[IRUG&KXUFKLOO War Rooms and HMS Belfast), in order to contribute to and deliver the priorities of IWM by using your deep and wide competences, talent and potential to the best of your ability. You will focus at all times on delivering professionally competent and informed support to the Head of Estates, whilst ensuring quality, customer service and value for money are always considered. Your conduct at all times is to be professional and courteous, demonstrating the behaviours and attributes expected of all IWM employees. You will also adhere to all corporate standards and use corporate systems as directed, to ensure consistency of service, brand and operational standards. <RXZLOOEHDQH[SHULHQFHGSURIHVVLRQDOO\TXDOL̰HGVSHFLDOLVWLQ\RXUDUHDDQGWDNHRQ EURDGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVZRUNLQJDFURVVGHSDUWPHQWVH̯HFWLYHO\ZRUNLQJZLWK individuals, partners and where appropriate volunteers.
You will be expected to comply with corporate standards, and use corporate systems, processes and procedures – and undertake any necessary training as directed.
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