Imperial War Museums - Deputy Head of Estates

In addition, your duties will include:

• Professionally managing and understanding the mechanical, electrical and building services plant at all branches, ensuring maximum compliance and PLQLPLVLQJWKHULVNRIEUHDNGRZQVDQGRUIDLOXUHVE\RYHUVHHLQJWKHH̯HFWLYH maintenance, lifecycle replacement and improvement of assets.


• Supporting the Head of Estates with the custodianship of IWM’s 0.25Bn complex DQGKLVWRULFHVWDWHDFURVVWKH̰YHVLWHVLQWKUHHJHRJUDSKLFDODUHDVRIWKH8.7KLV will include deputising for the Head of Estates during periods of absence or as delegated at boards, meetings and other forums. • Maintaining a safe and compliant estate, reporting performance, presenting and advising the Head of Estates on all matters within your professional competence relating to the estate.

• As delegated, operational leadership of the estates and facilities team, taking responsibility for all aspects of management.

• Leading on the management and auditing of service contractors, such that all mechanical and electrical services, plant, and associated installations are compliant with current legislation, and are subject to statutory testing, inspection and record keeping. In all cases, taking into account listed building status and/or conservation areas. • Leading on the estate aspects of ensuring environmental conditions are optimal for the IWM collection and exhibitions, to include liaison and co-ordination with the Department of Collections Management in particular, and the development of appropriate processes, policies and procedures.

• Acting as the delegated Responsible Person for Legionella and other key FRPSOLDQFHDSSRLQWPHQWVDVLGHQWL̰HGE\WKH+HDGRI(VWDWHVDQGRU\RX

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