• Supporting the Head of Estates in ensuring the best use of all assets within the department annual operating budget (c 10M) and additional capital funding budget (c 6M). • Being a supporting professional point of contact for other relevant museum departments as they engage in projects that will overlap with the estate, to include working and co-operating with project teams. • Identifying and implementing learning and development needs of both yourself and your team. • (QVXULQJWKDWDOOVLWHVDUHVXSSRUWHGLQDQH̲FLHQWDQGWLPHO\PDQQHUDQGDUHLQ a condition appropriate to their use. This includes overseeing construction, refurbishment and maintenance projects delegated to you. • Ensuring that any delegated budgets are managed and controlled in strict DFFRUGDQFHZLWK̰QDQFLDOSROLFLHVDQGSURFHGXUHVDQGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK\RXU written letter of delegation. • Supporting the management of the IWM estate asset investment plan, asset management plan and the estate information systems. • Supporting business continuity planning and health and safety requirements. • Supporting the IWM Sustainability Framework Policy, including delivery of new initiatives and maintenance that aim to help meet the Government and IWM carbon reduction targets. This is to include utilities conservation and maximum HQHUJ\H̲FLHQF\ • Assisting the Head of Procurement and Compliance in the procurement of estate services contracts, consultancy support and works contracts in accordance with PXVHXP̰QDQFLDODQGSURFXUHPHQWSROLFLHVDQGSURFHGXUHV • Developing, presenting and implementing new ideas to improve the scope and quality of service delivery standards.
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