Imperial War Museums - Deputy Head of Estates


Essential criteria

• Has a track record of high achievement attributed to an energetic and resourceful approach. • A minimum of IOSH ‘Managing Safely’ trained DQGXQGHUVWDQGVSHUVRQDODQGFRUSRUDWH+ 6 working with contractors and in-house resources. • +DVH[FHOOHQW,7SUR̰FLHQF\ǿSDUWLFXODUO\06 Word and Excel, with MS Project and Access EHQH̰FLDO WUDLQLQJZLOOEHJLYHQLQRXU  VSHFLDOLVHGVRɓZDUH

• Is a good communicator at all levels.

• Chartered Engineer or an exceptional Incorporated Engineer with a degree and membership of an appropriate professional institution (CIBSE, IET, IMechE, etc). • Demonstrable experience of working with building management systems (BMS) and/or building and environmental management systems (BEMS)


• Has experience of providing asset/facilities management services in an environment open to the public.


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