Key competencies
• Developing Diversity (C) Encourages the team to develop a better understanding of customers DQGVWD̯IURPQRQWUDGLWLRQDO backgrounds. Demonstrates a personal commitment to fairness and equality of opportunity. Decisively tackles approaches or attitudes that are biased. • Commercial Acumen (C) Complements their technical and professional expertise with business skills. Understands the realities and complexities of running a cost- H̯HFWLYHVHUYLFH0DQDJHVUHVRXUFHV responsibly.
• Proactive Change (C) Takes an active role in
encouraging and implementing new ideas. Demonstrates a creative and ̱H[LEOHDSSURDFK8VHVGHOHJDWLRQDQG coaching to help others to develop new skills. • Planning & Results Drive (C) ,GHQWL̰HVSULRULWLHVDQGFRQVLVWHQWO\ achieves key targets. Takes practical steps to overcome obstacles to personal and team goals. Tackles tasks LQDV\VWHPDWLFH̲FLHQWDQGORJLFDO manner. Demonstrates a persistent and determined attitude in the face of GL̲FXOWLHV • Encouraging Collaboration (C) Develops positive and productive relationships with colleagues at IWM and other organisations. Encourages the team to consult with and listen to others. Uses collaboration to deliver PRUHH̯HFWLYHVROXWLRQV • Meeting Customer Needs (C) Applies excellent two-way communication skills in order to fully understand customer needs and expectations. Values all types of customers and is genuinely committed to providing them with a positive experience of the organisation.
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