Metrics Monthly | January 2020 | UK Edition

So, our new message for 2020 and the decade beyond is: “It’s your time!” “It’s your time!”, so use it wisely to share it with the people important to you. “It’s your time!” to grasp your plans and aspirations by the scruff of the neck and go for it. 2020 will see the 10 th Birthday of Lend- ingMetrics. Whilst we may not be Uber or Instagram, we are here to create and share the technology to save you time and help you succeed. Hopefully we can play a small yet important role in helping you put those plans into prac- tice, take control and make this “your time!”

LendingMetrics presents: The ADP Video Training Series

Did you know that with any Auto Deci- sion Platform contract, you can receive hours of custom-made training videos direct from our ADP experts? With 24/7 access, you can master ADP at your own pace, easily review topics with convenient chapter-based naviga- tion and watch online, any time, from any device!

Book an ADP demo to find out more

+44 (0) 2394 211010 |

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