Leadership Coaching Journal

Specific Measurable Attractive Realistic


Focus on clearly defined activity that will take you out of your comfort zone. If your goal is too broad, break it down and be more precise. You can always update it later. Ask yourself: Would this make sense to somebody hearing it for the first time? Will achieving this really help me grow? If not, what would a 10% extra stretch look like?

Think about how you will measure your progress and achievements. Look at your goal from all angles and consider its impact more broadly e.g. on those around you. Ask yourself: How would I evidence my success? What would be different? What would others see?

It might sound obvious, but it’s important to focus on goals that you actually want to achieve. Without a drive to succeed, or an emotional connection, the chances of success are slim. Ask yourself: How much do I really want this? If the answer is ‘not that much’, what would make you want this more?

Set goals that you can realistically achieve in your chosen time frame. Goals should be stretching and ambitious, but you don’t want to make the bar too high and set yourself up for failure. Ask yourself: Is this something I can really

Every goal needs a clear deadline,

whether it is short or long

term. One that is realistic but will also keep you motivated to achieve it.

Ask yourself: When do I need or want to have achieved this by? Can I make that happen within my timeframe? What needs to happen or be in place for me to achieve it by then?

achieve with the time and

resources I have available? If the answer is ‘no’ either review your deadline or break your goal down into smaller chunks.

Or consider a different goal.


Goal Setting

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