VCSST_Getting To The Core Of Back Pain

Core Strength and Back Pain Does improving your core relieve back pain?

When you hear people talk about improving their core, they are usually referring to the muscles that make up your torso and abdomen. These muscles are called the core because they are at the center of your body and they are necessary in just about every action that you engage in. The thing is, there are more than just abdominal muscles that go into efficient functional movement. Current research tells us that staying active, increasing mobility and a program of overall functional strengthening is the best way to stay healthy, not simply doing crunches or exercises limited to only one area of the body. Each person is unique in the back and neck pain they experience. The best exercise for one person may not be ideal for another. There are many paths to restoring full function and working with your physical therapist is the best way to do this safely. Our goal at VCSST is to help our patients develop the necessary skills to have all the muscles of the body work together automatically to give your spine protection on demand during any and all activities. Efficient movement is a learned skill that is a combination of mobility, strength and motor control. Our physical therapists will guide you through the proper exercises for you to feel, move, play and live better .. For more information about how to start improving your core, contact us.

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In our ongoing campaign for 12 Steps to a Healthier You, we have suggested a monthly self-challenge toeachofyou toaddonesimple thing to your life each month. We believe the addition of something positive to your life is ultimately more beneficial and sustaining towards your health goals than depriving yourself. This past January, we suggested keeping a water bottle handy at all times to ensure proper hydration. February’s challenge was to quench your soul by remembering to love yourself first. This month, we suggest you nourish your “Gratitude Attitude”. Focus not on material things but on people who enhance your life. Relationships with others are the greatest sources of satisfaction and actively

acknowledging others for their contribution to your happiness is mutually fulfilling. According to several recent published studies, expressing gratitude increases the strength of relationships and resiliency to stressful events and is linked to overall happiness. So how can you cultivate your gratitude? When was the last time you wrote a note or even sent a text to someone who blesses your life? Or told a co-worker that their efforts are appreciated? How about simply thanking your neighbor for maintaining a beautiful yard? Keeping a “gratitude journal” weekly or even monthly has proven to be effective in promoting gratitude. In fact, the physiological benefits occur whether the gratitude is shared or not. Simply keeping a “gratitude journal” promotes a grateful disposition. A 2011 study

found that simply jotting down a few grateful sentiments before bed, resulted in longer and better sleep. What’s more, according to a2012 study, grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier. So what are you grateful for right now? We at VCSST, are truly grateful to all our patients who have entrusted us with their health.

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