King's Business - 1946-08

ER ICK PETERSON FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Phone VAndike 9483 730 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif- LEARN AVIATION ■ S w ioU u tte MISSIONARY FLIGHT TRAINING PROGRAM ¿»¿MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Complete ground school instruc­ tion, with special missionary emphasis. Fifty hours of actual flying time ... capable instruction . .. a c c re d ite d by C A A . First course begins Sept. 9 and runs for 18 weeks. If you are a missionary, a missionary candidate, or if you can profitably use flight train­ ing for Christian work, you may apply for admission to the course. Dept. K-34. I TOiite MISSIONARY AVIATION COURSE 'T fC oacC tf, ^ ¿M e 153 Institute Place, Chicago 10, Illinois A Monument To F a i th In 1922 a d istingu ished group of men who were determ ined to begin a new venture in secondary education de­ cided to found a boys' boarding school th at would throw around the students the stron gest evangelical C h ristian in ­ fluences, w hile givin g them thorough preparation for college. T o d ay Sto n y Brook School stan d s as a m onum ent to their faith and fore­ sight. A s it begins its tw e n ty-fifth year next month, it can look w ith th a n k sgiv in g not only at the con tin ­ uing stream of boys who are sent here from all over the world, not only at the record that alum ni have m ade in the colleges and universities, not only at their influence in their profes­ sion s and business occupations, but at the stead fastn ess w ith w hich the School has stood by the o rigin al pur­ pose of the founders. T o d a y the School continues to m ake religion the corner stone of education, and is still endeavoring to develop C h ristian m a n ­ hood throu gh the Gospel of Christ. T h a t the educational program e n ­ visioned tw e nty-five years ago is fin d in g increasing strength year by year is the greatest tribute to Sto n y B ro o k's founders. For a catalogue of the School, address the Headmaster t o n y B r o o k J c h o o l FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, LITT. D.. Headmaster

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>904 W . G ran d Ave., C h icago 22 SUBSCRIBERS— PLEASE NOTE! It's a good idea to attach your name and address, from the wrapper around your magazine, to your renewal order.

Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles, Elder, Ch urch of the Open Door The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p. m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to sup­ port this ministry by your prayers and gifts.

You can share the Word ■with others and re­ ceive an income for life for yourself—easily and simply through the Annuity Agreement plan of the American Bible Society. Whynot join the thousands of grateful own­ ers of these Agreements—those who REGU­ LARLY receive their checks at stated inter­ vals—thosewho havethat pleasant satisfaction of knowing that their agreement has almost 100 years of success behind it. And, too, wouldn’t it give you a glow of satisfaction to know that you are sharing in the work of distributing the Scriptures to millions throughout the world? “A Gift That Lives” tells you of this grand Plan and how it works. Will you not let us send you this booklet?

P S A . 122:6 P H IL . 4:19

M_A ¡JL__THE_ Ç 0_UPON_TOD_AY American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. i


Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California

Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB72 entitled “A Gift That Lives’’ Name. I Address

Stony Brook, Lone Island. N. ¥, Please Mention King*s Business

AUGUST, 1946


ACROSS THE DESK of the Associate Editor

TT was thrilling to see nearly 20,000 young people assembled in the Holly­ wood Bowl for a Youth for Christ Rally on June 29. Three things were impressive: the audience was over­ whelmingly composed of young people with surprisingly few adults present; the speakers did not “trim” their mes­ sages—they spoke fearlessly of Christ ,and His power to save; we were both­ ered no end by the photographers from the newspapers who were constantly taking flashlight pictures. Christian Recording Company with offices in Los Angeles is filling a real place by manufacturing records for distribution and sale. Earle Williams, youthful president, says that he is in­ terested only in recording the musical efforts of born-again Christians. God’s blessing will be upon this enterprise as it cannot be upon the artistry of worldly people who sing our hymns but do not know their meaning. Noticed Christian Life and Times on the newsstands, and observed sev­ eral purchasing this new, newsy and well-gotten-up magazine. | T h e r e seems to be a real need on the part of the Christian reading public for arti­ cles which stress the comfort which is to be found in the truth of God. Yet this subject is dealf with very infre­ quently on the pages of religious pub­ lications. Tf Report of the practical Christian work activities of the students of Biola for the year 1945-46 shows that out of nearly 6,000 conversations on spiritual things, 844 persons were led to Christ. In addition, 136 other young people were led to surrender their lives for service. Thus training time opens a real mission field to the Bible student. Far too often young people, who ought to go to a summer Bible confer­ ence, forego this in order to take jobs. Conference week often results in the most important decision in life. U The Christian public seems to be more and more agreeable to the use of Gospel films for Christian work. How­ ever, in Order to safeguard this excel­ lent means of approach, those who produce these films should be conse­ crated Christians. U Paper shortages continue to plague publishers of many publications, even long established secular magazines being forced to reduce size and number of pages. Yet, inexplicable as it may seem, dozens of new publications have recently appeared on the newsstands. If Enjoyed greatly the visit of Wendell P. Loveless, veteran radio director of the Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Love­ less undoubtedly knows more about Gospel broadcasting than anyone else in the country. He stopped off on his way to Mt. Hermon for a Bible con­ ference.

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Published Monthly by and Representing The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Ransom Marvin John Bazart Illustrators

Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor in Chief

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Betty Bruechert, Managing Editor Copyright 1946, The King’s Business, all rights reserved. No part of this magazine may he reproduced without permission.

Voi. 37

August, 1946

No. 8


Editorially Speaking ..................................................................................... 327 “ Sixty Wonderful Years,” P. W . Philpott ............................................... 328 The Comforter, Poem, Martha Snell Nicholson .................................... 329 The Minister and His Authority, Robert D. Culver ............................ 330 Gospel Records Go Adventuring, Mildred M . Olson .............................. 332 Thomas Corwin Horton, A Tribute........................................................ 333 The Bible Institute on the Air..................................................... _......... 334 The Bible Book of the Month, John A. Hubbard ................................ 335 A he Importance of Leadership in Bible Teaching, J. L. Martin........ 337 A New Kind of Church “ Ad,” Charles H . Smith .................................... 338 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker ............................................. 339 Devotional Readings, lone Cowman ........................................................ 341 Earth’s Treasure Heaps, Paul R. Bauman ...................... ...................... 343 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box.........................................................-............. 344 The Bible in the News ............. ....................... ......................... .............. 345 Biola Family Circle .................................................................................... 346 Book Reviews, William W . Orr ................................................................. 348 Young People’s Topics, Dr. Walter L. Wilson ..............................-........ 349 It’s An Idea, Carlton C. Buck ............................. ..................................... 350 Sunday School Lessons .............................................. ................................. ) 355 Object Lessons for September, Elmer L. Wilder ............... !.................... 361 Bible Drills for Jumoys and Intermediates, Charlotte S. Frampton 363 INFORMATION—-“The King's Business" is published monthly; $1.50, one yr.; $2.00, two yrs.; 75 cents, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs or three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month/for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R E M IT T A N C E S —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to ‘‘The King’s Business." Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. A D V E R T IS IN G —For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. M A N U S C R IP T S — ‘‘The King’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Lo s Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, enibodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.



Ô o A . R e a d e A A S p M o tz

The Christian Magazine for Every Christian Home with Daily Devotions

Editorial on Salvation Army "Marching Forward" Program

“ After reading your King’s Business for the month of June and noting your com­ ments, under the caption, ‘Salvation Army Expands,’ I feel led to write you these few lines. ' *‘It is very likely that the 5,000 Salvation Army Officers mentioned in the material you received, are helping in one way or an­ other in this ‘Marching; Forward to a Better World’ program. However, there are many of them filled with regrets equal to those you expressed in your article. We are asking the very same questions as we read some of this material; yes, we notice the lack of emphasis on the spiritual side of our mission. “In your article you raised the following questions: ‘Where is the emphasis on preaching the Gospel to the lost? Is there to be no advance in street meetings? Is there to be no inclusion of missionary ef­ fort at home or abroad? What about a call to pray that God’s power may again come upon the Salvation Army? where is the spiritual note? Where is the old-time passion for souls?’ “ These are indeed pertinent questions, worthy of an answer, and, thank God, they are being answered here and there through­ out the country in a very practical way by many of our Spirit-filled Officers and Sol­ diers (members) who believe in the power of God as the only answer to all of our needs. It is quite apparent these evangelical Items were not emphasized in the material that came to your desk.. “ Thank you for this editorial In the June issue of King's Business. Possibly this ar­ ticle will serve as a reminder to The Sal­ vation Army and the Church as a whole that we must needs place less and less em­ phasis on material things and more and more on the spiritual. There is ever pres­ ent that danger of drifting into a social Gospel program, losing a passion for souls, changing our fiery evangelical message for a modernistic one. We must emphasize sal­ vation for the lost thfough the Lord Jesus Christ and tell also of His soon coming for His own.’’ “ A Salvationist.” “It is quite true that the statement of the general objectives of the ‘Marching Forward.’ program did not give the place to the soul­ saving effort that is actually the most im­ portant activity which we are undertaking this year. “I agree with you entirely that we should have had a word in there about the purely spiritual objectives, but I assure you that these have not been forgotten, either this year or any other year. “ I am frequently confronted with people who ask me if the Salvation Army is seek­ ing the souls of men as it used to, and I have only to look at the figures coming adross my desk from month to month to have the answer, which is ‘Yes.’ “ The Salvation Army has so expanded its social work program to touch so many phases of human need that I am afraid we often give the impression that that is our chief objective, and that the spiritual work is being given secondary consideration. In some instances, and with certain over-en­ thusiastic persons this has been so, but it is .corrected as quickly as it is discovered. “I would not remain in the Salvation Army if its prime and real purpose was changed. Forty years ago I became an of­ ficer because I saw the world in need of a Saviour, and recognized the Salvation Army as an avenue by which I could fearlessly declare the unsearchable riches of Christ to the unchurched.

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“ I have gloried In doing this for all these years, and still do. This Central Territory of which I have the honor to be the Com­ mander, had nearly 20,000 people knec’inf at its altars last year, and this is the thing for which we praise God more than any­ thing else. “We had more people attending our serv­ ices. We conducted more services, and we had more young people attending our chil­ dren’s meetings than in many years. “ Nationally, the Salvation Army last year conducted a great spiritual campaign under the title ‘Christ for the Nation,' and this same campaign is continuing for these twelve months, and each of us is doing all he can to inspire our comrades first to a more complete devotion of themselves to God, and then .to get out aqd by every means seek* the salvation of the lost

“ The recently opened Salvation Army branch on Madison Street in Chicago is packed every night with the men that throng that thoroughfare and an average of ten to fifteen kneel at the altar, some of whom really find God. “ I ask your readers to remember the Army, and the great slogan which was given to us by our Founder, ‘Go for souls, and go for the worst.' This is the only occu­ pation that pays eternal wages. “We will continue to give the free dough­ nuts and coffee, and other things, but more than ever, may God help us to go out into the highways and byways, and compel them to come in that the Lord’s house may be full, and that sinners may be converted.” . “ John j. Allan, Comm issioner,”



E D I T O R I A L L Y S P E A K I NG Shall We Give Away Our Bomb Secrets?

with a serious purpose. What is in­ tended to be emphasized is that the teachings of the Bible entirely coincide . with the avowed aims of the CIO. For instance, the command of Pharaoh to the children of Israel to produce bricks without straw is likened to a modern industrial “speed up.” The Exodus, of the children of Israel from Egypt is claimed to be the greatest strike and “walk out” of history. This is not the first time that world­ ly organizations have called upon the Word of God to substantiate their theories. In fact, it has been quite a common practice through the centu­ ries, but it is dangerous to thus tamper with the teachings of God’s Holy Book. Without attempting to go into the question of the right and wrong of the CIO policies, we do want to go on rec­ ord as opposing their misuse and mis­ interpretation of the Scriptures. God Himself brought the Israelites out of Egypt by a series of miraculous acts. Some New Testament passages such as the sixth chapter of Ephesians and the third chapter of Colossians, in which the Holy Spirit speaks plainiy with regard to the relationship of mas­ ter and servant, would be profitable reading for the CIO. * * Catholic Count rpHE allocation of sustaining time to -*• religious bodies by the major net­ works is based upon membership fig­ ures. An official of a 1 union of churches recently had occasion to ask a representative of a broadcasting chain if these figures were ever checked to determine their accuracy. The answer was in the negative to the effect that the networks did not make further inquiries after the numbers were given. All of this led this of­ ficial to state that the count furnished officially by the Roman Catholic Church was an inflated one. Of course, it is greatly to the advantage of this religious system to pad its membership rolls as much as .possible. This will accomplish much for them in the po­ litical and religious world, and those who question the figures will find it difficult to check the membership rolls in the thousands of churches scattered throughout the land. The philosophy of the Roman Catho­ lic Church should always be taken into consideration when one deals with the figures they furnish. All babies born into Catholic homes are counted as members from the day of their birth. Once a name is entered upon the Catholic rolls, it is never deleted until the person’s death, even though the one in question may have renounced

any affiliation with the Church. It is difficult to be accurate in this matter, but it has been stated on good authority that if one wants the actual truth, he might safely cut the Catholic figures in half. While we are on the subject, we are wondering how many of the names which appear on the rolls of Catholic Churches are in­ scribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. ★ ★ Educational Unitarianism D IE have just passed through the ” graduation season of our public and private schools, when multitudes of young people have received diplo­ mas, and have been recommended to higher institutions of learning. From time immemorial, it has been the cus­ tom at these times to bring in for the baccalaureate and commencement ex­ ercises, prominent speakers, especially religious leaders, to address the grad­ uates. One such graduation in a Southern California city will serve as an illus­ tration of a point we wish to make. The setting was very beautiful, the music, including traditional commence­ ment numbers, inspiring. Then, be­ cause of the solemnity of the occasion, the various speakers called upon God for His blessing, or generously alluded to Him in their remarks. The future of the world was stated to be precari­ ous except as God lent His power to the graduates in their efforts to estab­ lish a better world. However, in these exercises, like so many seen and heard before, there was absolutely no mention of the person of Christ. Prayer was offered to God, but not in the name of His Son. Help for life was greatly desired, according to the speakers, but no mention was made of the only way by which God could send this aid, through personal faith in the saving work of His Son on the Cross. The ceremonies, al­ though distinctly religious, completely rejected the only Scriptural basis of approach to God. In other words, there was nothing really Christian about these graduations; they were entirely Unitarian. This is by no means a new trick of Satan. He is well aware that sinful man has no way to God save by the blood sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, and he sees to it that the religiosity of these gatherings remains but an empty nothingness so far as reaching God is concerned. How distasteful to the Lord must be this rejection of His Son, and with what severe judgment He will deal with these religious leaders who are a party to this betrayal of Christ!

XU E are all interested in the discus- * ' sions that have been going on by press and radio with regard to the advisability of our country’s sharing the tremendous secrets of the manu­ facture of the atomic bomb with other nations. We are not unaware that the underlying motives are both selfish and unselfish: selfish, because it is believed that this is the only way to preserve peace within our own bor­ ders; unselfish, because of our desire to allow other nations the use of atom­ ic energy for purposes of their own peace. Some of our best statesmen have sincerely and honestly urged that our government immediately divulge these dearly bought discoveries on the theory that the nations, in gratitude, will immediately sign an eternal pact of peace. It all sounds very plausible that in exchange for this cherished possession world peace will be secured. The danger of this kind of thinking is that one very important consider­ ation is being overlooked: the absolute depravity of the human heart. Men act wickedly because their hearts'c re full of sin. Nations violate treaties because their citizens are men v/ho are sinners, whose natural expression is transgression. Diplomats lie and cheat for their own lands, because this is the_natural inclination of fallen na­ ture. There can be no honor between man and man, or between nation and nation, unless their hearts are changed. Immediately after the flood, which had occurred as a result of man’s sin­ fulness, a principle of government was enunciated, the essence of which was that the only way to control the sinful desires and acts of evil men was through fear of punishment. This is the only thing that will work today to preserve peace: threat of reprisal. Let us keep this weapon of bomb secrets in our hand for the safety of the entire world. While it may seem paradoxi­ cal, peace will be preserved longer if the United States holds over the head of the rest of the world a threat to bomb them into insignificance if war is considered. May God give our officials great wisdom in these per­ ilous days. ★ ★ CIO Propaganda "DECENTLY there came to our desk a pamphlet, published by the Con­ gress of Industrial Organization, enti­ tled “The Bible and the Working Man.” This contains a number of cartoons after the style of the comic books, but



By P. W. Phiîpott, D. D.

As Reported by Mildred M. Cook

I T HAS BEEN my privilege to be a preacher of the glorious Gospel of the grace of God for more than sixty years. Now, at eighty-one, I look back upon that long period in the min­ istry and have just this to say: “Bless the Lord O my sou l. .. who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mer­ cies.” Blessed be God for evermore! The years have yielded both trials and triumphs. There have been some amusing and amazing experiences. But through them all “there hath not failed one word of all his good promise.” Saved by Grace The first person who witnessed to me of the Christian- faith was a burly blacksmith. In Canada in the 80’s, when smithing was a highly honored profession, I worked in a shop with fifteen or twenty others. Down at the end of the line was a huge fellow who had been a prize fighter, in England. Big Joe, as we called him, weighed On the eve of his anticipated retire­ ment from active service, Dr. Philpott addressed the accompanying personal message to friends gathered in the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, on March 3, 19J/.6. The occasion was the climax of a remarkably stimulat­ ing and heart-warming series of meet­ ings. Far from displaying evidences of decrepitude, the beloved former pastor of this church, constantly in demand as an evangelist from coast to coast, stood out as a man of Caleb-like qual­ ities. May it be that those who read this printed report, like the ones who heard the spoken word, will see re­ vealed the means of attaining true greatness: the habitual yielding of oneself to God. This message will be obtainable in an illustrated gift booklet at 20 cents a copy through the Bible House of Los Angeles, 92 7 South Westmoreland Are., Los Angeles 6, California, by whose permission this article is printed.

we boys got used to seeing Big Joe live a.calm Christian life in our midst. Then one afternoon he was display­ ing his great strength and skill with the wagon wheels. Something went wrong, and all at once this new Chris- tion uttered a terrible oath. Instantly work stopped. Everyone stared in sur­ prise. The one who had been a hero looked now like a great ox that had been struck in the head. His eyes were full of deep hurt, and all of us silently pitied him. The next moment that old black­ smith shop became the scene of an amazing act—cine that was to play a part, later, in my own yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Big Joe dropped to his knees beside his forge. He covered his heavy head with great hairy arms. Reverence settled over the place, a greater reverence than in many a magnificent cathedral. When he got up, he wiped his eyes with a massive fist and went back to work without a word. That was all. But Big Joe’s act was a mighty testimony. God used it that day to speak to my young heart of the genuineness of the Christian faith. About seven months later, I came face to face with Christ myself. I had not been to church or heard any Chris­ tian worker speak. Passing a street corner, I saw a crowd gathered and stopped to see what it meant. A street meeting was in progress and a little woman was standing on a box, sing­ ing. She had a wonderful voice, and in her heart there had been shed abroad the love of God. Oh, how sweetly she sang! “When I survey, the wondrous Cross, On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, Ahd pour contempt on all my pride. “See! from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown?” There was a refrain: “O Calvary, dark Calvary, Speak to some heart from Calvary."

about 250 pounds. His head was cov­ ered with scars, of which he was very proud. He so gloried in his strength that when he was assigned to a par­ ticularly heavy task—work that nor-

Dr. P. W. Philpott mally required two men to accomplish —he would do it alone. When I first knew him, he was a terrible blasphem­ er, the worst I have ever encountered. One morning before he arrived at work, news got around that Big Joe had been converted the night before. I wondered what that meant, for in those days I had nt> knowledge what­ ever of Christian things. I knew Joe would come down my side of the shop, so I waited to see whether there would be any perceptible change in him. When he appeared, he looked rather humble. He smiled and nodded. As the weeks passed, however, we saw that a great change indeed had come over him. He acted more civil; he wore bet­ ter clothes; he did finer work; and most noticeable of all, he used better language. There was no more swear­ ing. « All this went on for some time and

AUGUST, 1946

KB 329

said a word. We sobbed a little, and I learned that God can interpret tears, and that sometimes they mean more to Him than words. The little service ended, and I went away to work. It seemed to me that the whole world was new and wonder­ ful. Though I did not know the poet’s words then, their sentiment was ring­ ing in my heart:

Lessons in Comfort About six weeks later, at that same breakfast table, my mother prayed. I shall never forget that occasion. Later, while I was in a town in east­ ern Ontario, I received a telegram stating that my mother had died. I hastened home, scarcely knowing what to expect. By that time I knew something at least about the truth of 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4, but through my mother’s pass­ ing I was to learn a great deal more. The portion reads: “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” When I arrived at home, . a good woman met me at the door. She said, “Peter, your mother went very sudden­ ly, but she left a special word for you. She asked me to tell you that the gates were ajar and that Jesus was standing waiting to receive her spirit.” What a testimony! What a solace to the heart of a boy whose best friend on earth was gone! My dear little mother was “absent from the body, at home with the Lord.” I was glad in­ deed that He had enabled me to speak for Him to those I loved. The thought of His faithfulness comforted me. But I was to learn, too, that God de­ sired to use this Experience as a means of preparing me to “comfort them which are in any trouble.” Many inci­ dents could be given, but I mention one that is fairly recent. A few years ago, I was traveling through North Carolina. Our train stopped at a station, and I saw a young fellow who, was weeping get on board. I thought some loved one was waving good-by to him from the plat­ form, but there was no one there. The lad came into the car and took a seat opposite me. Every little while he would put his head down and I knew he was struggling with emotion. Quietly I moved across the aisle and sat down beside him. “Son,” I said, “you seem to have some trouble. Maybe I can help you.” He looked at me for a moment, then put his hand in his pocket and drew out a small piece of yellow paper. The message was brief; I read it at a glance: “Mother died last night.” I said, “I know how you feel. I had a telegram just like that forty-five years ago. Mine came to me in a blacksmith shop.” “Why, isn’t that strange—I got mine in a machine shop!” There was a fellow feeling between us right away. "Was your mother a Christian?” I asked him. ( Continued on Page 336 )

God answered the prayer of that hymn and spoke to me then and there. I do not remember anything else about the meeting except the song, but standing there in the night, I accepted Christ as my Saviour. That was the greatest moment of my life. I have had thousands of blessings since. My heart is full of assurance and glad­ ness now, and I know that I shall be with Christ throughout eternity. But the beginning of it all was the vision of the Cross and the realization that Jesus, the Man of Sorrows, died for me. That night I determined one thing, that I would tell my mother what had happened to me. Taught to Witness Because the wagon works where I had been employed was no longer in operation, I had gone to the little town of Dresden and obtained a position in a jobbing shop. The new work required that I report for duty very early, but my mother was always up before I was, ready to get my breakfast. As she moved about the kitchen on that memorable morning after the street meeting, I tried to get her atten­ tion. Invariably she would turn her back and busy herself with something at the stove or the table. I thought she did not want to hear me. When the meal was ready, my younger brother and I drew our chairs to the table. At that moment I was faced with a problem that had never before occur­ red to me. Why, I realized suddenly, we must thank God for His goodness! When I saw my brother start to'eat, I shouted, “Hold on, brother! We’re go­ ing to pray this morning.’’ The reason I spoke so loudly was that it took a lot of effort to utter those words. My brother thought I had gone crazy. He sat and stared at me. Mother began to cry. I lost my appe­ tite and felt sure I had ruined every­ thing. Rising to leave the table, I felt my mother’s small rough hands on my shoulders. She was a Scotch woman, a widow, and she had worked hard all her life. "My boy,” she told me, "you had better stay right where you are for a few minutes..” She left the room and in a few mo­ ments she returned with a little book in her hands, with a brass band and clasp on it. Carefully she undid the fastening and laid the book beside me. "You had better read a little out of this,” she said, “and pray before you go to work each morning.” At that time my mother was not a professing Christian, but she did have good Scotch common sense. When I had read, we all knelt down to pray. I have been in some great prayer meetings in the past sixty years, but none greater than the one that was held around that breakfast table. I don’t know that any one of us

THE COMFORTER "It is expedient for you That I should go away." What strange, perplexing words were these For Christ the Lord to say To that small helpless flock of His, So soon to be bereft Of Him who daily walked with them. Only eleven left To spread abroad through all the world The knowledge of His Word. So small a flock, so large a task! Beloved, when our Lord Came from His ivory palaces And set aside His crown. For three and thirty years He laid His omnipresence down. Could He at one time be with all Wherever they might roam? But when the Comforter was come He made each heart His home. Yea, L.ord, it was expedient That Thou shouldst go away. So He, the mystical, the blest. Might come to earth to stay. O wondrous Trinity of God, The Father and the Son, The Holy Spirit — God com­ plete— The perfect Three in One! —MARTHA SNELL NICHOLSON

“Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green, Something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen. Birds with gladder songs o’erflow, Flowers with deeper beauty shine, Since I know as now I know, I am His and He is mine.” What was the reason for my great joy? The answer is simple. I had de­ clared myself a follower of Christ, and though the testimony had been halt­ ingly and I felt ineffectually given, He had been true to His Word and had honored His servant who had honored Him. It has been ever thus. I say it to the praise of the glory of His grace.

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A S an introduction to this theme, a short portion of the Scrip­ ture is appropriate: “Let the thy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine’’ (I Tim. 5:17). The author of this statement was an old preacher who had delivered almost his last sermon. The subject of the address was a young preacher who not long before had delivered his first sermon. The old man was Paul; the young man Timothy. This verse was a bit of practical instruction from one who had the right of age, godliness, and revelation to pass on to one young enough, and sufficiently inexperi­ enced, to need it, yet who was also intelligent and pious enough to ac­ cept it. Let our thinking be restricted to five words in the first line of this verse: “The elders that rule well.” From the general teaching of the Scriptures, there are three things to be consid­ ered: The Minister’s Authority in the Church Now, the nature of the “rule” or au­ thority involved here is unmistakable. In a primary sense, it has to do with fhe rulership of the minister within the local church. Although a plurality of elders is mentioned, most Bible students will agree that the general sense of the Epistles of Paul and of Peter is that where a plurality ex­ isted, one elder or bishop was the head, presiding elder, or pastor, much in the same way as the pastor is the leader in most Protestant churches today. This “rulership” is of a lofty na­ ture. It carries with it privileges and prerogatives which belong to no other member of the local church. The pas- t»r bears the responsibility of author­

A theme greatly neglected and sadly needed in our times.

elders that rule well be counted wor­

ity in doctrine, administration, and discipline. The reading of only a few passages of Scripture will suffice to show the truth of this. Note that the minister is command­ ed by God to “take the oversight.” “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof” (I Pet. 5:2). This is the authority of the pastor as an administrator. Again, we read in I Timothy 4:13, “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” This is his authority as a teacher. Further, we note that the minister is to correct disorder in the church. Paul wrote: “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear,” and “I charge thee . . . Preach the word; be. instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort” (I Tim. 5:20; II Tim. 4:1, 2). And, al­ most as if he were afraid some “peace- at-any-price” preacher might not care to carry out some of these more dis­ agreeable duties of the office, he adds this exhortation: “I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by par­ tiality” (I Tim. 5:21). This is the pas­ tor’s authority in discipline. Perhaps this sounds like stern doc­ trine! If so, read just a bit of what God expects of a congregation with respect to their pastor’s office and au­ thority. The verses above cited are directed toward the minister; now

hear these addressed to the congrega­ tion: First of all, high esteem and love for their minister are expected of a people. “And we beseech you, breth­ ren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to es­ teem them very highly . . . for their work’s sake” (I Thess. 5:12, 13). A congregation is required also to obey their minister. “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief” (Heb. 13:17). Unfortunately, ever since God put into our vocabulary the word “obey,” men have sought to remove it. It has been largely dropped' from wedding ceremonies, even though it is still in the Scripture the preacher reads at weddings. There are those who say that God does not exactly mean sub­ mit and obey, but something less than that. However, there is no ambiguity; the word is very definitely “ obey.” James uses exactly the same form of the same Greek word when making reference to the obedience a well- broken saddle pony displays to his rider. “Behold we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us” (James 3j3). No one debates the meaning of the word m James, so why should it be questioned in the epistles of Paul?

AUGUST, 1946


Now, somehow, when the writer first examined these and similar passages of the Bible, the weight of them left him nearly breathless. It was star­ tling to learn what God expected of His ministers. One pauses even now when the ordination vows come to mind, or the words of the charge are remembered: “Take thou authority in the Church of God, to perform the du­ ties and the offices of an elder; to preach and teach the Word of God; to be instant in season and out of sea­ son; to reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine; to ad­ minister the holy sacraments and or­ dinances of the Church; to guard carefully the souls for whom Christ died; to make full proof of thy min­ istry; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” So far, nothing has been said about the qualifications of this one who is commanded to “rule well.” It is not that the Scripture does not place limi­ tations upon the exercise of this office, but in all our recent a t t e m p t s to thoroughly democratize the church in a day of Nicolaitan designs to draw it into dictatorial ecclesiastical alli­ ances, we b e l i e v e the minister has been too restricted. In some eases, he has been bound and gagged and tied. Even though there be no “holy or­ ders” in the church, there ought to be some holy order! Now it shall be seen that a man so highly exalted by the divine Lord of the churches has made it necessary that the minister have some qualifica­ tions, some powers that fit him for the task. In fact, God has so safe­ guarded this office, that if the Scrip­ tures are obeyed, it can never be abused by a charlatan nor disgraced by an incompetent. God has pro­ tected the ministry by demanding that the man who “rules well” in the church must first prove himself fit to rule in two other realms of life. So next we look at: The Minister’s Authority in the Home The meager mention this subject receives in the Scripture is not an in­ dication of its unimportance. Paul stated: “A bishop then must be blame­ less . . . one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjec­ tion with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (I Tim. 3:2,4,5). One need only recall the tragic end of the sons of Eli and of the old priest himself to appreciate the necessity for, and the seriousness of, this command. One who does not use authority well in the lesser realm cannot exer­ cise it in the higher realm. Many a man has suffered loss in his ministry and brought reproach upon himself, his office, and his church because he failed at this point. It adds up to this:

The man who fails to teach his boy is not competent to teach the church; the man who fails to guard his wife and child is not fit to shepherd the church of God; the man who does not exercise discipline at home can never qualify to exercise it in the church; the man who cannot bring up a family to love the Lord, attend church regu­ larly and frequent the prayer meeting will never persuade strangers in the church to follow Christ. There is, in addition, a third realm of ministerial authority:

Lordship of the Spirit of God, he has not met the standard for rulership in the church of God. Let this truth be stated as directly as possible: The man has never lived who is fit to as­ sume authority over others if he has not learned to submit to authority over himself. Oh, how we need to learn this today! We live in a time when the “spirit of lawlessness” is abroad and this teaching is not popular. Un­ ruliness has filled the hearts of gov­ ernors, kings, and laborers. God pity us if it takes control of our ministers too! “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24:12). Specifically, the minister must exer­ cise authority over his own thoughts and desires, his own emotions and will. “He that hath no rule over his own spirit Is like a city that is broken down, and without walls” (Prov. 25: 28). This means simply that a man needs to rule his own thoughts. Unless he does, anything may come in. As in the parable, the crows and ravens came to rest in the mustard tree, so evil thoughts and desires come into the mind, if a wall is not erected. On the other hand, as old Moses Stuart wrote about this verse, “Such a city is liable to be attacked and plundered. So the man who has no control over himself is always exposed to doing or saying something which will be in­ jurious to himself.” One must check both what comes in and what goes out of the mind. For instance, a minister must prove himself by demonstrating rule over his temper. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Prov. 16:32). The application is obvious! Let God control your tem­ per, and He will care for your au­ thority over your appointed “city.” It should also be pointed out that the man of God must prove himself able to rule the church by showing himself capable of mastering his own will. To put it plainly, one must learn that he cannot always have his own way! The problem of sin began in man’s will. Lucifer said, “I will.” Sin was conquered when Jesus said, “Not my will, but thine be done.” “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate” (Prov. 8:13). This is the end of the matter. Here is the stopping place, and the truth God would have all of us know, namely: All true authority, be it in the moral, spiritual, legal, or any other realm, flows from the yielded heart, and from the yielded will. The minister of God has a responsi­ bility to his Lord to faithfully de­ monstrate his authority in the church, the home and in his own life. Let him therefore fulfill his duty under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

"Be thou an example of the be­ lievers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12). The Minister s Authority over Himself In this third realm, the minister must practice the most rigid control, or he is no safe guardian of a home, much less a safe shepherd of the church of Christ. God has placed a monitor over the actions of even the unsaved man. We call it conscience. God has placed a Ruler in the heart of the new man. He is the Holy Spirit. Unless the man of God has submitted himself to the



G o sp e l Records Go

Mildred M. Olson

Then one day the man stopped and took us off his back. At the same time I heard an eager voice shouting in English, “Oh how wonderful, Jack, our records have, come!” Surely now I would see what this new world was lik ! Soon all the cords that bound us were cut, and the heavy cardboard packing removed. Now I could see daylight again. What a joy it was after so many days in the dark! There on the table in the mission­ ary’s home was a little Victrola. Lov­ ing hands placed me on its cylinder. Oh, what happiness! I started to whirl around in the sheer joy of living! Then came the hymns and the message in the Tarascan dialect. As I looked around, I saw the room was full of Indians in strange costumes. They were all listening spellbound to what I had to say. This was marvelous!

"Their words to the end of the world" (Psa. 19:4) T HERE are hundreds of us Gos­ carefully wrapped; we were going to travel thousands of miles. At the post office, we were separated. One big bundle went to the Bulu tribe in dark Africa, another to the Cantonese in China. A large package also set out for the Urdus of India. We said good- by and wished each other God’s bless­ ing. This is what happened to four of us: I. I was one of those going to Mexico. There were some going to each of many tribes. But my package was go­ ing to the Tarascan Indians. It was hard to leave my companions. I felt so lonely; the days on the train passed very slowly. Still tightly wrapped, I couldn’t see anything of the beautiful world around me. But finally one day we reached the first lap of our destina­ tion. I thought then I could look around and take off that heavy cardboard jacket that stifled me. At last we were again lifted up by somebody. Soon we were jolting along a tortuous moun­ tain trail on the back of a little don­ key. We bumped so much I thought my heart would surely break. The miles seemed endless. I wondered if it were only for this that I had suffered at the factory all that pressure in a machine like a giant waffle iron. Fi­ nally, the donkey stopped in front of a tiny post office and we were lifted from his back. I heard a man talking in a strange dialect. He took our pack­ age and I felt myself sink down in a mesh bag on his back. So we started out again. While he didn’t bump me as much as had the donkey, the moun­ tain path seemed very steep.

pel records. One day some of our number took a journey to a big stone building, where we were

Tzotzil Indian keep on working hard until the day when I am entirely worn out in the service of the Lord. II. I was in a package of radio tran­ scriptions! These were needed in a hurry so we flew on silver wings to Central America. Then we had a nice ride by automobile from the airport. I was glad I would soon be realizing my fondest dreams of reaching a large radio audience with the Gospel. One day I found myself in the stu­ dios of HRN, in Tegucigalpa (hills of silver), the capital of Honduras. It was thrilling to be starting my life’s work. In one of the large central parks there is a loud speaker that carried my mes­ sage to the many p:ople gathered there. How they listened to the beau­ tiful hymns and the earnest messages! I found my way by radio transcription into homes large and beautiful, small and humble, some of which were miles away from the studio. I heard many listeners say, “That’s a beautiful pro­ gram, I want to tune in again.” Even some of the government officials and schoolteachers seemed as much inter­ ested as the humble day laborers. Let­ ters came in from other towns telling of blessings received through the pro­ gram. One man wrote in, desiring to have God’s Word that he might learn more of the Way of Eternal Life. It’s a great ministry: “Singing, I go along life’s road.” I go to so many places and reach so many hearts that I wouldn’t have time to go to individu­ ally; no, not if the days and nights were twice as long. I really have wings now and I use them. Besides I know that, back home, friends early me on wings of prayer.

Tino, Christian Mazateco lad, makes records for his tribe. The opportunity for which I had waited so long was mine at last. When I had sung and spoken till I was tired, the Indians said, “Play it again, play it again.” The next day I went to a little thatched hut of one of the Indians. There an old grandmother, who was sick in bed, listened to me and I saw her smile. She couldn’t read or write but how she did listen! My supreme moment came one day when out of a little group of Indians listening in the yard, two opened their hearts to the Saviour. I had caught a glimpse of the beautiful mountains near by, and of the lovely flowers in the missionary’s garden. But that beauty was but a reflection of the radiant look on the faces of those Indians who had just believed. It was hard work, whirling around on the Victrola hour after hour, but it paid eternal divi­ dends. I was glad I had com» I’ll

Mountain homes into which Gospel records go.

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