The day was sunshiny and beautiful. Tipper was full of barks and runs. Mommie and Daddy were smiling and very happy, all because Becky and Joe were being kind one to the other. And the Lord Jesus was the happiest of all.
Work for Little Children The Lord has work for little hands, For they may do His wise com mands. And He marks out for little feet A narrow pathway, straight and sweet. One little face may fill with light A heart and home as dark as night; And there are words for little eyes, To make them earnest, true and wise. One little voice may lead above, By singing songs of Jesus’ love, One little heart may be the place Where God shall manifest His grace. Our hands, our feet, our heart we bring To Christ our Lord the risen King. From Our Children’s Own Magazine, Oriental Missionary Society. How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel accord ing to John, using either your own Bible, or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. W hen the Gospel has been read and a statem ent to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday School teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior K in g's Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins m ay wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord d i rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— Lin quantity, three cents; pins, w ithout postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do w ithaut a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior K in g 's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.
Betsy Ann Could Hot Dance A True Story Walter L. Wilson, M.D. "DETSY ANN trusted the Lord Jesus when she was a little past four years old. When she was five years old, she went to kindergarten, and soon passed proudly into the first grade. One day, the teacher asked the chil dren to do a folk dance, an imitation of some of the animals. Little Betsy Ann said to the teacher, “I do not care to dance.” The teacher thought the little girl was tired so she let her sit at one of the large tables and color a picture. That evening when Betsy Ann told her mother about it, she said to her, ‘‘Betsy, it is all right for you to dance the way the teacher wants you to. That will not be sinful.” Then Betsy Ann looked earnestly at her mother, and replied, ‘‘Mother, I do not want to dance.” ‘‘Why not, Betsy?” ‘‘Because the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘Betsy, dancing is not for you’.” ‘‘How do you know it was the Holy Spirit who said that to you?” inquired her mother. “Because,” Betsy answered, “it was the same voice that once said to me, ‘Betsy, if you will trust the Lord Jesus, He will save you.’ I did trust Him, and He saved me, Mother, and I know it was the same voice that said to me today, ‘Betsy, dancing is not for you.’ So, Mother, I do not intend to dance, and I told the teacher so.” When the Christian boy or girl, or man or woman has something import ant to decide, if he or she will listen carefully for the Holy Spirit, His voice will be heard telling just the right way to settle the problem. It will not be difficult to detect the voice of the Holy Spirit, for He is the One who always talks to our hearts about the Lord Jesus. A Meal-Time Blessing God is great, and God is good, And we thank Him for this food. By His hand we all are fed: Give us, Lord, our daily bread, Bless our home with peace and love And grant in Christ a home above. Amen. —Selected.
It was fun taking turns.
New K.Y.B.C. Members SATOLAH, GA.: Ella Mae Mix (Mrs. Leona Mix. parent). TULARE, CALIF:: Allen, Billy and De lons Boatright; Edna Mae Dotson; Eldon, Neldon and Sonny Ellison; Geneva and Vir ginia Peaton; Shirley Price; Clara Rozzel; Thelma Russel; Edith Tomlinson (Miss Elsie Friesen, leader). Scripture Memory Verse “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit" (J Cor, 2:9).
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