King's Business - 1946-08






“There are diversities o! gifts .. . differences of administrations . . . diversi­ ties of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all" (I Cor. 12:4-6). This month we are releasing quotations and extracts from the Round Robin Letter of the Class of ’41, which is edited by Gertrude Vandermeer, and Connie Versluys. Next month we will feàture excerpts from the Letter of the Class of ’ 42 .

tablish another Sunday school In a near-by community. Vera Murdock, 222 W. 85th PL. Los Angeles 3: “The Foreign Baptist Board has invited me to Michigan for possible appointment as a medical missionary. I hope to be in the Belgian Congo soon.” Dean. and Nancy (Myers) Nauman, 21 Humboldt Ave., San Anselmo. Dean is pursuing his studies in the semi­ nary, and is pastor of a church near the school. Neil and Jane (Goodner) Nellis, 1110 S. Birch St., Santa Ana, Calif., are engaged in deputation work while on furlough from Mexico. Roy and Grace (Updike) Nelson, Box 576, Lancaster, Calif.: “We’re very happy here, m i n i s t e r i n g in the Baptist, Church.” Claude and Janie Parkhill, 526 Crane Blvd., Los Angeles. Claude is working with the Biblical Research Society after 40,000 miles of travel in the Pacific area. He was released from the Navy December 31. Jean Robinson, 1355 W. 70th St., Los Angeles, grad­ uated from U. C. L. A. in June. She is now teaching in the Primary Depart­ ment of the Church of the Open Door Sunday school, and expects to work among young people. Wa yn e and Louise (Kraipoel) Roberts, 221 W. Cypress, Lompoc, Calif., are concen­ trating their work on young people and released-time classes; they have several high school students who are contemplating preparation for the Lord’s service. Wayne is chairman of the local ministerial association. LaVerne Rutschman, Whitewater, Kan., is studying for his B.D. degree from the Mennonite Biblical Semi­ nary, and hopes to fly to Colombia to begin language study in the fall. He says: “Harriet Fischback, of Wheaton College, and I plan to be married in June.” Hermine Sekelmien, 827 Fre­ mont St., Menlo Park, Calif.: “The summer of 1944 I spent at Camp Wy­ cliffe. Now a Primary class in the branch Sunday school of the Palo Alto Baptist church keeps me busy.” Larry and Marian (Chun) Song, 2926 S. Ar­ lington, Los Angeles 16, are serving in the Chinese Presbyterian church. Marian is organist; she says that the young people of . the church are en­ thusiastic regarding their part of the

Douglas and Helen Anderson, 2881 E. 10th Ave., Vancouver, B. C., Canada: “The Lord has opened the door for our service in a little church near here. We have a fine Sunday school, eve­ ning service, prayer meeting, mid­ week children’s service and young people’s meeting. It has been a joy these five years to sow the precious Word.” Turne r and He l en Blount, Farmington, N. Mex.: “God used three people to make possible our trip to the biennial conference of the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico last fall. Besides conference, we received help in l i n g u i s t i c problems. Pray for twenty-five W. B. Translators as, at the invitation of the government, they enter the hitherto closed Ca t h o l i c country of Peru. Kermit Byrd, 6842 Fry St., Bell Gardens, Calif., says that the work of his church is progressing, and several of his young people are stu­ dents at Biola. Ruby Carver, 609% Heliotrope Dr., Los Angeles 4, is serv­ ing on the Christian Education Board of the South Hollywood Presbyterian Church, and is superintendent of the Junior Department. Norge and Bertha (Lindley) Cook, 1533 W. 219th St., Tor­ rance, Calif. Norge recently returned home from Japan where he has been stationed with the Army. Gene (Gil­ bert) Copeland, 1032 E. Mason, Santa Barbara: “Joe has been in the service over a year, and is expecting to leave for China within the next few weeks. It is wonderful having Westmont Col­ lege here.” Amy Cosand, Instituto Las Delicias, Caripe, Venezuela, arrived at her sta­ tion by plane: “Part of my initiation has been learning to sleep in a ham­ mock, ride muleback, and eat native foods. My present chief endeavor is learning the Spanish language.” Gene and Edna (Kraft) Crow, 5001 W. 119th St., Hawthorne, Calif., have a Baptist church in their community, and are rejoicing in the blessing of God upon their ministry. Don and Edna Davis,

Casilla 231, Iquitos, Perú, S. A. Edna praises the Lord for His protection of herself and children when the plane in which they were flying, crashed. They were en route to join Don for service in Colombia. Idell Dickson, R. 5, Box 4950, Sacramento: “I graduated from nurses’ training last August, and Since December have been working in Sutter General Hospital here, and liv­ ing at home. I hope to attend Camp Wycliffe this summer.” Ed and Astrid Erickson, 1115 N. Webster St., Port­ land, Ore.: “We started the Youth for Christ rallies in Salem, and now have charge of the Evangelical Free Church of Portland. Ed is attending Cascade College.” William and Eunice Heath, 705 W. Covina Blvd., Baldwin Park, Calif.: “Our Sunday school building is nearing completion, and the Lord is blessing our labors for Him here." Frank and Jeannette (Rutschman) Isaac, 6227 Haas St., Los Angeles 44, have joined the Immanuel Mennonite Church and will soon be taking an active part in that service. Frank was discharged from the Army last De­ cember, and is enrolled in the ac­ counting course in the Woodbury eve­ ning school. Don and Marion (Eng- lund) Johnson, 3831 37th Ave. S. W., Seattle 6, Wash. Immediately follow­ ing Don’s discharge from the service, he and Marion were married. The Biola Family Circle extends congratu­ lations to them both. Ha r o l d and Edith (Bragg) Lamb lived in Seattle for a time, and are now attending Dallas Theological Seminary. They have a little girl. Tom Major, 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, is in India with his sister Patricia (’42) where they are serving under the Conserva­ tive Bap t i s t Board. Pat W, Major (graduate of Westmont College) pre­ ceded his brother and sister to this field. Roy L. and Betty McKaughan, Fallbrook, Calif.: “Our people are be­ ing led into a blessed ministry of mis­ sionary giving, and are hoping to es-

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