King's Business - 1946-08

AUGUST, 1946


service. Paul Tibbetts, 9316 Magnolia, Arlington, Calif., has been called to a church in Arlington, and is enrolled for college work in Los Angeles. Lois Uhlinger, A. I. M., Rethi, Irumu, Congo Beige, Africa, is a registered nurse, born in Africa, and now entering im­ mediately into the work in this needy feldf Ida VanRiter, 2620 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, graduated from the Univer­ sity of California, and is now student secretary for the Bible League with residence at the League’s house. In addition to her office duties, her work consists of teaching Bible classes in the University dormitories, and per­ sonal work among the students. John and Lois (Harris) Wuthrich, R. 1, Box 187-B, Fullerton, Calif. John is attend­ ing the Southwestern Baptist Semi, nary in Fort Worth, Tex. He and Lois remain loyal Biolans. Connie Versluys, while secretary to the Dean, has been enrolled for special class work in the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. She hopes to continue her college work in the East next fall in preparation for Christian Education service. Gertrude Vandermeer, Angelus Hospital Nurses’ Home, Los Angeles: “I have been taking the Missionary Medical course here, Biola. This sum­ mer I hope to get some hospital ex­ perience, and, the Lord willing, to leave for Alaska before long.” With Christ Our loss is Heaven’s gain in the homegoing of Reverend Walter R. Hale, who departed to be with the Lord, Sunday evening, June 16, 1946. Thus it has pleased the Lord to call unto Himself another beloved mem­ ber of the faculty of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. At the age of twelve, Walter R. Hale was converted under the preaching of B. Fay Mills, who was at that time conducting an evangelistic campaign in Boston, Mass. After taking this im­ portant step, Walter hastened home to witness of Christ to his Unitarian parents, who were astonished to learn that one so young should have such a religious experience. So far as is known, he was the only one of the famous New England Hales, of which Edward Everett Hale was a member, to have ever embraced the evangelical faith. At eighteen, Mr. Hale surrendered himself to Christ, taking as his life verse: “Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” At Gordon Mission­ ary Training Collège, he was instruct­ ed by Dr. A. J. Gordon, Dr. James M. Gray, and other consecrated teachers. He became a spiritual leader in the Y.M.C.A., which he served for many years, his last connection with this organization being at Riverside, Calif., where for fifteen years he labored zealously to win souls. He resigned

membered for their consecration to the Lord’s service. Mary Hillis was a graduate of Oberlin college, having made preparation there for secretarial work in the Y.W.C.A., in which she was engaged for a number of years. Her life was an untold blessing to many hundreds of young people, who, through her influence, dedicated their lives to Christ for service at home and abroad. EXTEN S ION NOTES Dr. Bauman’s Summer Itinerary July 28—Sun. Scranton, Pa. Church Services Rev. George M. Spence, First Baptist Church, 156 So. Main Ave. July 29-Aug. 4—Mon.-Sun. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. North Mountain Bible- Conference Rev. Robert Lancaster, Box 22 Aug. 6—Tues. Hagerstown, Md. Week Night Service Rev. Walter A. Lepp (Biola ’39), Grace Brethren Church, First and Spruce Sts. Aug. 7—Wed. Roanolfe, Va. Midweek Church Service Rev. Herman W. Koontz, First Brethren Church, 195 Otterview Ave. Aug. 8, 9—Thurs!, Fri. Premium, Ky. (Hot Spot) Mission Services Rev. and Mrs. Dennis Halliday

Rev. W. R. Hale this post at the pressing invitation of Dr. T. C. Horton to become assistant superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Later on, as superin­ tendent of men, he became known as “Daddy” Hale to more than two thou­ sand men who studied at the Insti­ tute during the past twenty-six years. Through them, his influence and testi­ mony still literally “girdle the globe.” At Mr. Hale’s funeral, on June 19, in the Church of the Open Door Audi­ torium, Dr. Louis T. Talbot presided. He emphasized the fact that the hun­ dreds gathered to pay tribute to this beloved brother were not assembled to mourn a defeat, but rather to cele­ brate a victory! Warm words of appre­ ciation of the life and service of Mr. Hale were also spoken by Dean Suth­ erland, Dr. Hubbard, and Dr. Fischer. Professor Olson sang “Only Glory By and By” and “My Home, Sweet Home,” accompanied by Mrs. Alice McMichael at the organ. Characteristic of his humility was Mr. Hale’s final request that there be no eulogy and no flowers. The friends who would have purchased floral trib­ utes put their money into a mission­ ary offering, instead, which to date his reached the astonishing sum of $390.00. This will be used for Bible Institute foreign missionaries, and is a most fitting monument to a spir­ itual, soul-winning, self-sacrificing man of God. Also With the Lord Mary Hillis, former student of the Bible Institute, was called into the presence of the King on the morning of June 10, following a lingering ill­ ness. Three generations of the Hillis family have been ardent and loyal friends of Biola; all are lovingly re­

(Biola ’43, ’42) Aug. 10—Sat. Emmalena, Ky. Mission Service

Nathanael Children’s Home Miss Alma Hiebert (Biola ’43) Aug. 26-Sept. 1—Mon.-Sun. Winona Lake, Ind. Bethany Young People’s Camp National Fellowship of Brethren Churches Great

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