King's Business - 1946-08

AUGUST, 1946


cannot agree among themselves either as to the form of government or the personnel. England would grant them self-government if they were able to function without her supervision. The condition of India a f t e r all these centuries should be a grave warning to the United States. We, too, will be unfit to govern ourselves if we con­ tinue to shut out the light of God’s Word and refuse to acknowledge the claims of God in Christ Jesus. 4. SOME INDIANS ARE DOING FOR ETERNITY. Prov. 22:3. The future as seen through the eyes of the Indian is dismal, dark, and without hope. The expectation of the wicked is wrath. The Indian feels that if he suffers enough in this life, he will not need to suffer in the next. He believes as Unity teaches here in our country that the soul at death passes into an animal, and thus begins what the Christian Scientist calls the up­ ward way of d e v e l o p m e n t . This heathen belief about the future has been brought into our own country by those two great false religious sys­ tems. There is no incentive for the Hindu to live. Life is just one great cycle, punctuated by frequent deaths. He does not believe that there is a personal God to whom men are ac­ countable and who will judge in righteousness. The remedy for him is found only in God’s precious Book and in His wonderful Gospel. Let us preach the truth without substituting for it any of the lies of Satan. SEPTEMBER 22, 1946 MAJOR GOALS OF are necessary in every life. Sometimes it is the goal of wealth and some- ■times of political power. Some have as their goal a successful business or an ideal home. The goal of the true Christian is to develop for the glory of God in his own life, and to seek to adorn to trie utmost the doctrine of his Lord. The Christian will seek the glory of God above all else and will desire to bring the knowledge of His name to as many hearts as possible. The goal of the believer is the goal of David of whom it is said, “ after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep.” Without a goal, life is aimless and usually fruitless. For Those Who Hove Topics 1. THE GOAL OF PERSONAL DE­ VELOPMENT. 2 Pet. 3:18. In order to reach this goal, one must have a thorough working knowl­ edge of the Bible. The Word of God accomplishes the purposes of God. God’s work is best performed by those I CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR M a t t . 4:18-22; P h il . 3:13-16 WHERE there is no vision, the peo- . Pie perish,” said Solomon. Goals

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