King's Business - 1946-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

who know and lov© His Word the best. There must also be personal and intimate knowledge of the Holy Spirit, of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Father. This is life eternal that one should know these Three Per­ sons. He should be in very close touch with God, and possess a knowl­ edge of His ways. We should -know the reason for God’s actions, or we1shall be in the dark concerning His deal­ ings (Psa. 103:7). When one knows the ways of God, he will not be led astray by false doctrines nor will he be discouraged -by unanswered prayers. The Christian who is best acquainted with God will be of the most use to God. Each Christian should seek to be filled with the graces of our Lord that he may be like Christ in all of his ministry. 2. THE GOAL OF PERSONAL ABILI­ TY. Heb. 5:13. This should be the goal of every believer. The hardware merchant may sell many tools to the carpenter and yet not be able to use any of them. So we may be able to quote many Scriptures and yet not know how to apply them to the human heart. It should be one of the purposes in our lives to become more able in the service of the King and more skill­ ful in using His Word for the bless­ ing of others. We need to be wise builders for God. The work of the Lord should be thoroughly done that it may stand against the attacks of adversaries on every hand. We need to learn to use the S'.vord of the Spirit effectively and to wage the fight of faith successfully. God uses most, those who have the most ability. The Spirit produces the gift; the Word of God enables us to use it; the ex­ amples of other Christians instruct us; our own experiences teach us. 3. THE GOAL OF PERSONAL RE­ LATIONSHIPS. Rom. 13:8. Very much depends upon the ap­ proach we make to those whom we desire to help. Most people are nat­ urally suspicious. They question your interest in their welfare and think that you have ulterior motives. We should have a great desire to present such a gracious appearance and ex­ press such a kindly attitude that little children will be drawn to us, and hardened sinners will not feel repelled by us. Even Christians some­ times resent the intrusion of others when the heart is heavy and the spirit is crushed. In such cases, the Holy Spirit must arrange the meeting and create the right impression The ap­ proach to God in prayer should not be bombastic and self-reliant, but humble, as we consider His greatness and our weakness. 4. THE GOAL IN FRUITFULNESS. John 15:8. We should expect to see definite and blessed results in our labors for

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There is no waste material because lessons ate not dated. Use leit-over books the next year with * new class.

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THE NEW CRUSADE SONGS Especially designed for evangelistic campaigns, Bible con­ ferences, and missionary conventions. 10 7 numbers includ­ ing many popular choruses. A recent book, ideal and inexpen­ sive. Cover in two colors. Reinforced manila binding. $17.50 a 100, carriage extra. Single copy, 20c postpaid. •


1507 N. Third St.

Harrisburg, Pa.

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