T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N È S S
God’s Word says, “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15), and, “Ye should do that which is honest” (2 Corin thians 13:7). Sometimes we think that only money or things that can be seen can be stolen. Some Christian boys and girls are stealing time from God— time that they should spend reading His Word and praying and worshiping in His House. S o m e Christians are stealing talents from their Lord; some of them are not giving part of their money to Him. Ask God to search your heart and to show you whether or not in all things you are doing that which is honest. LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 8 Truth and Sincerity in Speech L E S S O N M A T E R IA L : Ex. 20:16: Prov. 26:23-28; M att. 26:69-75. G O L D E N T E X T : “ W herefore putting aw a y lying, speak every m an truth w ith his neighb our’’ (Ep h . 4:25), Outline and Exposition | T he P recept (Ex. 20:16) lyrORE than the spoken word is re- 1YAferre(j t0 jn this precept. Not many p e r s o n s w i l l deliberately say the words of a lie, but falsehoods may be told by merely stating nothing. Even by a facial expression one may bear false witness against a neighbor. We are responsible for the construction which we know will be put upon what we say. The absence of sincerity is the root of all prevarication. II. T he H atred of the W icked (P rov . 26:23-28) The hatred of the wicked is aimed at that which God does and owns. Though hidden under fair speech, like a potsherd overlaid with silver, its ob ject is to overthrow the Kingdom of God. Unable to reach Him, the wicked a t t e m p t to injure what belongs to Him. But the pit they dig will at last be that into which they themselves will fall. The wicked hate Christians simply because the latter have been chosen by the Lord (John 15:18-21). III. T he D anger F rom S elf (M att . 26:69-75) Peter’s oaths and curses were the re sult of his lying, which came from his self-confidence, which in turn was a result of his lack of self-knowledge. He really meant it when he said that he would rather die than deny his Lord, but he did not know his own sinful heart. Hence, he was over-con fident, unaware of the depravity of his old nature, which is never improved, but is ever waiting a chance to mani fest itself. Satan plays upon it to bring Christians into unforeseen cir cumstances and sudden temptations, from which the easy road out appears
to be telling small lies. But the little falsehood leads to greater dishonesty and at last brings separation from the Lord, as it did in the case of Peter. Points and Problems 1. “Thou shalt not bear false wit ness against thy neighbour" (Ex. 20: 16). In everyday language, we are commanded not to lie about our neigh bor. Lying includes slander, exaggera tion, depreciation, deception, un founded gossip, or anything that tends to put the other person in a false light, Ofttimes disclosing less than the whole truth may be as damaging as telling more than the truth. Ephesians 4:25 is the New Testament version of this commandment, which has a par ticular application to Christians. 2. “ Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross" (Prov. 26:23). A pottery vessel is a rather cheap article. However, covered with a coating of shining sil ver, it may be made to appear quite costly. Still it is only a pottery vessel, and the glazed potsherd only a broken piece of it. With this graphic illustra tion, the pen of inspiration sets forth the true character of the person who makes ardent professions of truth, but whose heart is really full of sin. The word “hypocrite” is the best Word to describe such an individual. How much of such veneer is to be found in Christendom today! 3. “ And immediately the cock crew" (Matt. 26:74). That cock’s crow was, first of all, a sound of rebuke. Three times Peter had denied his Lord. He deserved to be reprimanded. He had miserably failed. The erring child needed chastening. But the crow of the cock was also a sound of love. It was Christ’s reaching out for His sinning disciple to bring him back into the way of blessing. It sent him out to weep bitter tears of repentance for the love he had wounded. Believer, have you heard the cock crow? It so, thank God for it. It is the,Lord’s way of turn ing you from your waywardness, and of seeking your restoration to His will. For the Children MEMOR Y VERSE: “Speak every man truth with his neighbour” (Ephe sians 4:25). Do you know C h r i s t i a n boys and girls who never tell a “ black” lie, but who tell “white” lies frequently? Does God see any d i f f e r e n c e between “black” lies and “white” lies, or is He color-blind when He hears a lie—are all lies alike to him? A farmer boy told a soldier that he had heard a hostile general give his troops their orders to move. When the soldier told his, captain, the captain said, “I would give my arm to know if that boy is telling the truth.” The B eing T ruthful A cts 4:13-21, 23
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