King's Business - 1946-08

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


\ stimulating . . . worthwhile

Points and Problems 1. "Teach me . . . Give me under­ standing . . . Make me to go . .. Incline my heart . . . Turn away mine eyes . . . Stablish thy word" (Psa. 119:33-38). These petitions show how dependent upon the Lord for everything was the Psalmist. David felt that, unless the Lord undertook for him in these ways he mentioned, he could accomplish nothing. Thus he flung himself upon divine grace. He had the right concep­ tion. Jesus said, “Without me, ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). If only all believers recognized their complete de­ pendence upon the Lord, there would be far more radiant Christian living. The trouble with too many people is that they feel their self-sufficiency, and are not aware of their need of these vital things for which the Psalm, ist prayed. 2. "Ye have heard that it hath been said" (Matt. 5:43). To properly under­ stand the passage beginning with these words, as well as the entire Ser­ mon on the Mount, it must be noted that it concerns “his disciples” (5:1, 2). These messages are for born-again Christians, not for unbelievers. Regen­ eration must be experienced before one can be expected to fulfill these commandments. 3. "For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?" (Matt. 5:46). Followers of the Lord are to be different from the people of the world (Ex. 11:7). The world hates; the Chris­ tian must love. The world is selfish; the Christian must be unselfish. The world is cruel; the Christian must be merciful. The Lord expects this dif­ ference to be manifested w i t h un­ wearied consistency. 4. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father" (Mutt. 5:48). The word perfect literally means end, goal or limit. In this passage it refers to goal, that Is, the absolute standard of the Heavenly Father whic^j all born-again individuals are always to keep before them. God has nothing short of per­ fection in mind for His children as their ultimate realization. As they grow in grace, the more nearly will this perfection be reached. For the Children J esus ’ R ules F or L iving M atthew 5:38-45; M ark 12:30, 31; L uke 10:30-37 MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God . .. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mark 12:30, 31). Just as you have rules for living in your home and in your school, so the Lord Jesus ha£ given to Christian boys and girls some rules for living. Jesus said that God’s two greatest commandments, or rules, are to love


Rev. P. W. Philpott, D.D., was found­ er and pastor of the Philpott Taber­ nacle, Hamilton, Ont., Canada. He was also former pastor of the Moody Me­ morial Church, Chicago, and of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles. Miss Mildred M. Cook is a popular Christian writer, and former Manag­ ing Editor of The King's Business. Mrs. Martha Snell Nicholson of Wilmington, Calif., is a noted Chris­ tian poetess. Rev. Robert D. Culver, B.D., is pro­ fessor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Grace Theological Seminary, Wi­ nona Lake, Ind. Mrs. Mildred M. Olson is a mission­ ary on furlough from Honduras. She and her husband, Rev. Lloyd Olson, are assisting Miss Joy Ridderhof with the Gospel Recordings, Inc., ministry. Mr. J. L. Martin, Methodist layman of Abilene, Tex., is a retired school­ teacher, Bible lecturer and author of many books and brochures. Mr. Charles H. Smith, Christian lay­ man, is a member of the Sparr Heights Community Church, Glendale, Calif. God with all of our hearts and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. You will remember the story of the Good Samaritan who stopped to care for a wounded man whom a priest and a Levite had r e f u s e d to help (Luke 10:30-37). Jesus told this story to show real love for one’s neighbor. Some of the Saviour’s rules for liv­ ing are just the opposite of man-made laws, but Christian boys and girls will faithfully obey them. Men sometimes tell us to “get even” with those who harm us; if s o m e o n e hits us, we s h o u l d h i t back; if someone says something unkind or untrue about us, we should say something unkind or untrue about him. The Saviour de­ clared that Christians should not fight back; they should do more than what they think is their share in trying to keep peace. The Lord Jesus said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite- fully use you and p e r s e c u t e you” (Matthew 5:43, 44). Only the Saviour’s love in the heart can make a boy or girl willing and able to obey these rules for living which are given in God’s Word.

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