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The Christian Magazine for Every Christian Home with Daily Devotions
Editorial on Salvation Army "Marching Forward" Program
“ After reading your King’s Business for the month of June and noting your com ments, under the caption, ‘Salvation Army Expands,’ I feel led to write you these few lines. ' *‘It is very likely that the 5,000 Salvation Army Officers mentioned in the material you received, are helping in one way or an other in this ‘Marching; Forward to a Better World’ program. However, there are many of them filled with regrets equal to those you expressed in your article. We are asking the very same questions as we read some of this material; yes, we notice the lack of emphasis on the spiritual side of our mission. “In your article you raised the following questions: ‘Where is the emphasis on preaching the Gospel to the lost? Is there to be no advance in street meetings? Is there to be no inclusion of missionary ef fort at home or abroad? What about a call to pray that God’s power may again come upon the Salvation Army? where is the spiritual note? Where is the old-time passion for souls?’ “ These are indeed pertinent questions, worthy of an answer, and, thank God, they are being answered here and there through out the country in a very practical way by many of our Spirit-filled Officers and Sol diers (members) who believe in the power of God as the only answer to all of our needs. It is quite apparent these evangelical Items were not emphasized in the material that came to your desk.. “ Thank you for this editorial In the June issue of King's Business. Possibly this ar ticle will serve as a reminder to The Sal vation Army and the Church as a whole that we must needs place less and less em phasis on material things and more and more on the spiritual. There is ever pres ent that danger of drifting into a social Gospel program, losing a passion for souls, changing our fiery evangelical message for a modernistic one. We must emphasize sal vation for the lost thfough the Lord Jesus Christ and tell also of His soon coming for His own.’’ “ A Salvationist.” “It is quite true that the statement of the general objectives of the ‘Marching Forward.’ program did not give the place to the soul saving effort that is actually the most im portant activity which we are undertaking this year. “I agree with you entirely that we should have had a word in there about the purely spiritual objectives, but I assure you that these have not been forgotten, either this year or any other year. “ I am frequently confronted with people who ask me if the Salvation Army is seek ing the souls of men as it used to, and I have only to look at the figures coming adross my desk from month to month to have the answer, which is ‘Yes.’ “ The Salvation Army has so expanded its social work program to touch so many phases of human need that I am afraid we often give the impression that that is our chief objective, and that the spiritual work is being given secondary consideration. In some instances, and with certain over-en thusiastic persons this has been so, but it is .corrected as quickly as it is discovered. “I would not remain in the Salvation Army if its prime and real purpose was changed. Forty years ago I became an of ficer because I saw the world in need of a Saviour, and recognized the Salvation Army as an avenue by which I could fearlessly declare the unsearchable riches of Christ to the unchurched.
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“ I have gloried In doing this for all these years, and still do. This Central Territory of which I have the honor to be the Com mander, had nearly 20,000 people knec’inf at its altars last year, and this is the thing for which we praise God more than any thing else. “We had more people attending our serv ices. We conducted more services, and we had more young people attending our chil dren’s meetings than in many years. “ Nationally, the Salvation Army last year conducted a great spiritual campaign under the title ‘Christ for the Nation,' and this same campaign is continuing for these twelve months, and each of us is doing all he can to inspire our comrades first to a more complete devotion of themselves to God, and then .to get out aqd by every means seek* the salvation of the lost
“ The recently opened Salvation Army branch on Madison Street in Chicago is packed every night with the men that throng that thoroughfare and an average of ten to fifteen kneel at the altar, some of whom really find God. “ I ask your readers to remember the Army, and the great slogan which was given to us by our Founder, ‘Go for souls, and go for the worst.' This is the only occu pation that pays eternal wages. “We will continue to give the free dough nuts and coffee, and other things, but more than ever, may God help us to go out into the highways and byways, and compel them to come in that the Lord’s house may be full, and that sinners may be converted.” . “ John j. Allan, Comm issioner,”
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