T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Objects: Two pint milk bottles and a wooden arrow about eight inches long. (Bore holes straight through both bottles with a round file on the end of which a three-cornered diamond point has been ground. Keep the point on the file moist with turpentine. Put the file in a carpenter’s brace, and turn slowly. Ream the hole out with a l a r g e r file. The arrow should be made of soft pine, and the shaft should be % of an inch wide and thick. The point and butt of the arrow should not be over five- eighths of an inch wide. While dry, the butt of the arrow can be squeezed in a vise sufficiently to let it pass through the holes in the bottles. Then submerge the bottles and arrow in hot water, and the arrow will resume its original shape.) Lesson:. These milk bottles remind me so much of two young men in the Bible that I am going to name them Jonathan and David. The remarkable
Objects: A two-pound coffee can, 3 smaller cans of varying sizes, water, blue ink, and a red cross. (An inset of tin is soldered obliquely on the in side of the large can, from the top of one side to within 2% inches of the bottom, reaching two-thirds of the way across the can. When the can is turned toward the inset, the water runs back of the inset and does not come out. Discolor the water a light blue with the ink, and place a small amount in each can.) Lesson: I want you to m e e t Carl Can. I am sorry that it is necessary to tell you when I introduce him that he is guilty of the sin of covetousness. Most people are guilty of this sin be fore they are saved. Covetousness is the sin of wanting something which belongs to another. W h e n p e o p l e covet long enough, there is a danger of their trying to get that thing which is not theirs. There is some light blue fluid in each of these cans. Carl Can wants that which does not belong to him. When he gets it from these other cans, we notice that he is not willing to re turn it. (Tilt the can with the side down which has the inset, and the liq uid will not pour out. Be Sure that the mouth of the can is not toward the audience, or thè inset will be ob served.) Covetousness often leads to stealing and keeping that which belongs to others. This is what happened to Carl. He keeps what he gets, refusing to give it back. (Each time a can gives the large can some blue water, turn the can over, showing that it keeps all it gets.) There is just one cure for covetous ness, and that is the cross of Christ. When we put Carl Can in front of the cross, he is like a person who has been converted—he freely gives. (Tilt the can in the opposite direction.) You will notice that Carl no longer keeps that which belongs to some one else. It is not e n o u g h for a person to know that God’s law condemns the sin of c o v e t i n g —he must come to the cross and accept God’s remedy for all sin, before he can be free from this sin. Fourth Week F orming F riendships
Fifth Week L ife and L ove
Objects: Four large darning needles, and a large magnet. (Cover the mag net with white paper and paste a red cross on the side. Before the lesson, allow two of the needles to become magnetized through contacting each of the prongs of the magnet. Let the two needles touch each other in the contact.) Lesson: Can you tell by looking at these needles which ones are like un saved people? By just looking at them separately it is impossible to tell, but it is easy when you see how they be have toward each other. When you see how they act, you will have no difficulty in determining which ones are like Christians. The first two cling together. They appear to love each other. What do you think could be the reason for their unusual attraction for each other? “They have become magnetized.” You are right. They were once as lifeless as these other needles. The contact with this magnet c h a n g e d them, The magnet is white and has a red cross on its side, reminding us of the Lord Jesus Christ. When a person comes to Him, and accepts Him as Sav iour, that person has an entirely dif ferent attitude toward others. Now these needles remind us of Christians. They are like Christians who can obey the command of Christ when He said, “But I say unto you, Love your ene mies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matt 5:44, 45). These other needles remind us of unsaved people. Notice that they have no attraction for each other. They are cold and lifeless. They are like peo ple, who, not having come to Christ as Saviour, think it is very strange that Christians should love each other. Perhaps some of you have never ac cepted Jesus as your Saviour, and so you do not love God’s people. Would you like to take Christ as your Sav iour? If you will, you will then have the joy of knowing that your sins are forgiven, and also you will have a real love for others.
Keep moving. Do not hesitate or stay. You cannot guide a ship. That is not on its way. Keep moving. There are other paths to tread And they will not be reached. If you stand still instead. Keep moving. But surely watch one thing. That you keep close behind Your Saviour and your King. —HERBERT G. TOVEY
thing about Jonathan and David was their love which held them together. Jonathan was a prince, the son of a king. David had been anointed as king by the prophet, but few people knew that he was to be Israel’s future king. Strange as it may seem, Jona than’s love for David made him will ing to give up his right to the throne in order that David might be king. I am going to name t h i s a r r o w “Love.” Y ou a r e wondering how it could be placed through the holes in these bottles without being cut or broken. Just as there is a mystery about this arrow, there is a mystery about the companionship of Jonathan and David. In thinking of the love of Jonathan and David, I am reminded of the words of Christ: “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40).
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