TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
by turning the board, or by erasing a phrase after each reading of the verse, leaving it on until the last, the words “ love one to another" remain.) Today some Rainbow bookmarks are to be given out. Let us all repeat the names of the books of the Old Testa ment. Now, those who are ready to say the names of all the books of the Bible, come forward. (Girls stand on one side of the leader, and the boys on the other. There may be just two or three, but we hope there will be eight or ten. As -each one has already re peated - the names to the leader at some previous time, they may now all say them together, but slowly and loudly so that all may hear.) I am glad to present to each of you a bookmark for your Bible. Please put it into your Bible today. If you do not know just where each ribbon should go, please s'ee me after class and I will gladly snow you. Ready for our reference hunt: 1. Psalm 119:35 ' 2. 1 Cor. 13:13 3. Mark 12:30, 31 4. Romans 13:10 Count sides. All repeat John 13:35. CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. GOOD PROFIT F o r C hurch G roups— A ge n ts— D ealers With our complete, fast-selling, religious line— SCRIPTURE TEXT CHRISTMAS CARDS, Every day Cards, Piacques, Calendars, Manger Sets, Luminous Items, Bibles, Books, Novelties, Gifts, etc. Good profit easily made. Satisfaction guar anteed. Write today for full information and lib eral Wholesale Price List. (3 Jno. 2) C. W . B O Y E R CO.. Dept. K B , Dayton 5, O hio THE INDIA MISSION 412 W e st 8th Street, Elyrja, O hio Bible-Believing (Fundamental) Soul-W'inning Proving CO D ’S F aithfulness In Hyderabad State and Central Provinces Three Bible Schools training native evangelists. Over 6000 church members won from idolatry. Write for fuller information.
September 22 Song—“The B-I-B-L-E.’’
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Leader —Remain standing while we all repeat the names of the books of the Bible through Daniel. Keep on standing as long as you can say these from memory. (Commend all who have memorized the names thus far.) Who wrote the book of Daniel? Answer —Daniel. Leader —Yes, Mr. Daniel. Who wrote the book of Isaiah? Answer— Mr. Isaiah. Leader —Who wrote the book of Jeremiah? Answer —Mr. Jeremiah. Leader —Who wrote the book of Lamentations? (Some may answer Mr. Lamentations.) Answer —Jeremiah the prophet. Leader —Who wrote the book of Eze kiel? Answer —Mr, Ezekiel. Leader —Where is our Golden Text for today found? Answer —Matt. 25:40. Leader —Name the book before Deut eronomy. Answer— Numbers. Leader —What does the word Genesis mean? Answer —Beginnings. Leader —In what book do we read about Joseph? Answer —Genesis. Leader— In what book do we read about Ruth? Answer— The book of Ruth. Leader— To which group does the book of Joshua belong? Answer— Joshua is the first of the History books. Ready for our reference hunt: 1. Exodus 22:21 2. Deut. 24:14 3. Heb. 13:2 4. Matt. 25:40 Count sides. Repeat 2 Timothy 2:15. September 29 Have four or five insignia or badges, such as for the Red Cross, the Navy, the Air Corps, the Marines, etc. These should be large enough to be easily seen by all when held up for view. Also have written on the board the verse, John 13:35. Song—“The B-I-B-L-E.” Leader —I have here a badge, or in signia. (Hold up the Red Cross insig nia.) When we see a man wearing this, we know he belongs to what group? Answer— The Red Cross. Leader —(Continue quickly thus with each of the other ’nsignia). And so the Lord Jesus gives to His follow ers, a badge. Here it is . . . let us read together our verse on the board. Read the reference first, and after repeating the verse. “John 13:35. ‘By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.’ John 13:35.” (Proceed to teach the verse, either
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