King's Business - 1946-08



E D I T O R I A L L Y S P E A K I NG Shall We Give Away Our Bomb Secrets?

with a serious purpose. What is in­ tended to be emphasized is that the teachings of the Bible entirely coincide . with the avowed aims of the CIO. For instance, the command of Pharaoh to the children of Israel to produce bricks without straw is likened to a modern industrial “speed up.” The Exodus, of the children of Israel from Egypt is claimed to be the greatest strike and “walk out” of history. This is not the first time that world­ ly organizations have called upon the Word of God to substantiate their theories. In fact, it has been quite a common practice through the centu­ ries, but it is dangerous to thus tamper with the teachings of God’s Holy Book. Without attempting to go into the question of the right and wrong of the CIO policies, we do want to go on rec­ ord as opposing their misuse and mis­ interpretation of the Scriptures. God Himself brought the Israelites out of Egypt by a series of miraculous acts. Some New Testament passages such as the sixth chapter of Ephesians and the third chapter of Colossians, in which the Holy Spirit speaks plainiy with regard to the relationship of mas­ ter and servant, would be profitable reading for the CIO. * * Catholic Count rpHE allocation of sustaining time to -*• religious bodies by the major net­ works is based upon membership fig­ ures. An official of a 1 union of churches recently had occasion to ask a representative of a broadcasting chain if these figures were ever checked to determine their accuracy. The answer was in the negative to the effect that the networks did not make further inquiries after the numbers were given. All of this led this of­ ficial to state that the count furnished officially by the Roman Catholic Church was an inflated one. Of course, it is greatly to the advantage of this religious system to pad its membership rolls as much as .possible. This will accomplish much for them in the po­ litical and religious world, and those who question the figures will find it difficult to check the membership rolls in the thousands of churches scattered throughout the land. The philosophy of the Roman Catho­ lic Church should always be taken into consideration when one deals with the figures they furnish. All babies born into Catholic homes are counted as members from the day of their birth. Once a name is entered upon the Catholic rolls, it is never deleted until the person’s death, even though the one in question may have renounced

any affiliation with the Church. It is difficult to be accurate in this matter, but it has been stated on good authority that if one wants the actual truth, he might safely cut the Catholic figures in half. While we are on the subject, we are wondering how many of the names which appear on the rolls of Catholic Churches are in­ scribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. ★ ★ Educational Unitarianism D IE have just passed through the ” graduation season of our public and private schools, when multitudes of young people have received diplo­ mas, and have been recommended to higher institutions of learning. From time immemorial, it has been the cus­ tom at these times to bring in for the baccalaureate and commencement ex­ ercises, prominent speakers, especially religious leaders, to address the grad­ uates. One such graduation in a Southern California city will serve as an illus­ tration of a point we wish to make. The setting was very beautiful, the music, including traditional commence­ ment numbers, inspiring. Then, be­ cause of the solemnity of the occasion, the various speakers called upon God for His blessing, or generously alluded to Him in their remarks. The future of the world was stated to be precari­ ous except as God lent His power to the graduates in their efforts to estab­ lish a better world. However, in these exercises, like so many seen and heard before, there was absolutely no mention of the person of Christ. Prayer was offered to God, but not in the name of His Son. Help for life was greatly desired, according to the speakers, but no mention was made of the only way by which God could send this aid, through personal faith in the saving work of His Son on the Cross. The ceremonies, al­ though distinctly religious, completely rejected the only Scriptural basis of approach to God. In other words, there was nothing really Christian about these graduations; they were entirely Unitarian. This is by no means a new trick of Satan. He is well aware that sinful man has no way to God save by the blood sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, and he sees to it that the religiosity of these gatherings remains but an empty nothingness so far as reaching God is concerned. How distasteful to the Lord must be this rejection of His Son, and with what severe judgment He will deal with these religious leaders who are a party to this betrayal of Christ!

XU E are all interested in the discus- * ' sions that have been going on by press and radio with regard to the advisability of our country’s sharing the tremendous secrets of the manu­ facture of the atomic bomb with other nations. We are not unaware that the underlying motives are both selfish and unselfish: selfish, because it is believed that this is the only way to preserve peace within our own bor­ ders; unselfish, because of our desire to allow other nations the use of atom­ ic energy for purposes of their own peace. Some of our best statesmen have sincerely and honestly urged that our government immediately divulge these dearly bought discoveries on the theory that the nations, in gratitude, will immediately sign an eternal pact of peace. It all sounds very plausible that in exchange for this cherished possession world peace will be secured. The danger of this kind of thinking is that one very important consider­ ation is being overlooked: the absolute depravity of the human heart. Men act wickedly because their hearts'c re full of sin. Nations violate treaties because their citizens are men v/ho are sinners, whose natural expression is transgression. Diplomats lie and cheat for their own lands, because this is the_natural inclination of fallen na­ ture. There can be no honor between man and man, or between nation and nation, unless their hearts are changed. Immediately after the flood, which had occurred as a result of man’s sin­ fulness, a principle of government was enunciated, the essence of which was that the only way to control the sinful desires and acts of evil men was through fear of punishment. This is the only thing that will work today to preserve peace: threat of reprisal. Let us keep this weapon of bomb secrets in our hand for the safety of the entire world. While it may seem paradoxi­ cal, peace will be preserved longer if the United States holds over the head of the rest of the world a threat to bomb them into insignificance if war is considered. May God give our officials great wisdom in these per­ ilous days. ★ ★ CIO Propaganda "DECENTLY there came to our desk a pamphlet, published by the Con­ gress of Industrial Organization, enti­ tled “The Bible and the Working Man.” This contains a number of cartoons after the style of the comic books, but

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