C+S April 2020 Vol. 6 Issue 4

Construction and Demolition Waste The development and demolition of buildings generates enormous waste. Demolition and construction waste includes concrete, met- als, glass, plastics, bricks, etc. This waste is disposed in landfills or turned into ashes by incinerators. This renovation and construction waste affects air quality, squanders resources, and needs transportation services to be discarded. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, there are 170 million tons of waste already generated, and non-residential buildings produce 61 percent of it. These are some crucial factors that affect the environment, and we need a way to optimize these impacts and support sustainability. Benefits of Green Buildings Construction projects under LEED certification earn points for vari- ous green buildings strategies across several categories, and depending on the scores achieved, LEED certification is divided into four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Certified. • LEED Gold Certified buildings consume 25 percent less energy and 11 percent less water when compared to conventional buildings. • LEED Gold Certified buildings are cost effective and have 19 percent lower maintenance costs as compared to buildings without • LEED certification. • LEED Gold Certified Buildings produce 34 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than non-LEED buildings. • LEED buildings deter 80 million tons of waste from landfills. • Green retrofitting also reduces the operating cost and increase the value of buildings by 4 percent. LEED Rating System Buildings have different construction phases like new construction, interior fit-outs, renovations, operations and maintenance. There is a This rating system is for new construction and renovations. It includes new construction, core, and shell. BD+C is used for the buildings of schools, retail, hospitality, data centers, warehouse and distribution centers, and healthcare. ID+C (Interior Design and Construction) This is for the interior fit-outs projects like commercial interiors. This system is applicable for the retail and hospitality buildings. O+M (Building Operations and Maintenance) This rating system is for existing buildings having some maintenance or improvement work. This applies to the schools, retail, hospitality, data centers, and warehouse buildings. LEED rating system defined for various processes. BD+C (Building Design and Construction)

ND (Neighborhood Development) For new construction or redevelopment projects having residential, nonresidential uses, or both. A project can be at any stage, from plan- ning to construction. Homes For single-family or one to six-story multifamily buildings, including homes and multifamily low-rise and mid-rise structures. Steel Buildings are a Green Way of Building Below are the green benefits of steel buildings: • Save Landfill Space • Reduce Deforestation • Zero Waste • Decrease Air Pollution & Ozone Depletion To learn more, read What make Pre-engineered Steel Buildings Green Buildings? • Most Recyclable • Energy Efficient

S t r u c t u ra l E n g i n e e r s A x i o m # 7 Structural Engineers Axiom #7

Professional Liability is essential. Overpaying is not. Professional Liabi ity is Essential. Overpaying s Not.

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