Frankfurt-Las Vegas Edition 2022



We got a chance to talk to this well-beloved author. Let’s get to know more on what inspires her and how she continues to be an inspiration to everyone. My eighteen year old son Michael was killed in a car accident six days after his 18th birthday. I went into depression for the next eight years. I saw doctors, counselors, psychiatrists, took endless pills, and nothing helped at all. Then I found the answer. The way Tell us more about yourself and how you have decided to publish a book. to heal depression is by raising your spiritual elevation. Most people do not understand this concept or have any idea how to achieve it. It requires no pills. You must change the way you think about yourself. What or who inspired you to write this book? Our world is full of people who drink, use drugs, commit suicide, kill other people and suffer from depression. I know the spiritual answers to the questions people ask about how to live successfully in this world and be mentally well without drinking or using drugs. Usually how long does this book finish? I have written five books so far, three on how to heal mental illness without medicine. A book does not have to be long and thick. It does need to provide useful information to solve problems for people who find no answers anywhere else in spite of all the people advertising assistance. Describe to us a typical day for Nancy. I always have too much to do, and not enough help or time to get it done. What do you do when you’re not writing? I have a Master’s Degree in Piano so I also teach piano and love to work with children of all ages.

What one thing would you give up to become a better writer? There are always too many other things to do besides writing. I would like to give up all the problems in life, but that way I might not learn anything. It is through having our challenges that we work out the answers. What is the most challenging part of your artistic process? Finding time to write is my biggest challenge. There are always too many other things to do. Does your family support your career as a writer? My family does not support or discourage me from writing. They have not had the training in spiritual healing that I have had, so our levels of spiritual understand are far removed. I am a graduate of Eschatology – The Science of Last Things, founded by William W. Walter and a graduate as a shaman from The Four Winds Society founded by Dr. Alberto Villoldo. I have also studied with Dr. Hank Wesselman, Don Oscar Miro- Quesada, and James VanPraagh. If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do? I would start writing books sooner in my life. I knew in grade school that I loved to write, but it was not until later in life when I had taken spiritual training and had a child with glaucoma that the doctors could not heal that I was able to use and apply my training in spiritual healing for perfect results. I think it is a shame that we live with so much ignorance in this world of our innate spiritual abilities. Our thinking, our thoughts and our attitudes create this world, our health, our wealth, our daily lives, but we are not trained this way as children. I believe if parents of the world would begin to teach their little children to love themselves without reservation while they are little, they would protect that child from depression, alcoholism, mental illness, and drug addiction as adults. EC

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing a book? I find writing easy and a very natural thing to do. I enjoy finding and expressing the hidden deeper concepts in spiritual healing in ways that cause the reader to realize you can heal yourself without medicine by changing the way you think. Your negative attitudes cause all of your illnesses – especially your negative attitudes about yourself. What do you think makes a good story? I love to explain how you can heal medically incurable illnesses without medicine just by changing the way you think about the most difficult problems in your life experience. Your body always reflects your positive and negative attitudes perfectly, but we are not taught anything about this subject in school, in church, or anywhere else as we grow up. The words we think and speak most often create our health and our dysfunctions perfectly and exactly. Does writing energize or exhaust you? Why or why not? I love to write and it does energize me as I get excited about sharing the information I understand that most people do not understand at all. I have had special training in spiritual healing, and I have healed my son of glaucoma, which is medically incurable, and myself of depression, which is also medically incurable. I know how to heal dysfunction. I healed my left leg when my femur (upper leg bone) disconnected from my hip bone after the sudden death of my oldest son Jeffrey. I felt very separated from my two sons who had both died, and the separation of my bones perfectly reflected how I felt. My adding to my thinking this statement – “Nothing can separate me from the love of God,” my femur and hip bones perfectly re-connected. I never went to a doctor. An x-ray later revealed my bones had reconnected perfectly. St. John said, “The Word was God.” The word still is God.


EC Magazines | Frankfurt-Las Vegas Edition 2022

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