QUESTION 09 How do you wants to address the Pakistani nation? Whether one might want to accept it or not , we live in a male dominated society. It is very difficult for a women who want to be independent and try new avenues to make it big to get the right amount of support and encouragement. Meera wants to address the nation and ask if being a women a crime and is it very difficult to support a women? Why is the media also highlighting the negatives and not highlighting the positive side and the goals I am working and only focusing on my poor English Language Skills?? I mean I am trolled for weak command over English as well. Speaking good English is no testimonial to capability and credibility. Why are women not supported when a Meera wants to build a hospital, a charity school, work for girls education or take Pakistan Film Industry to an International level and enter into Politics . Meera wants to urge the public to change its perspective and encourage and support women who want to be successful and also work towards the community welfare . We should focus on the positive goals a woman wants to achieve in life. QUESTION 12 What about your marraige? I was married to Captain Naved but now we have parted our ways.

QUESTION 10 How do you prepare yourself for a role? When preparing for a role, I want to be alone and dont want to be disturbed . I only want to be surrounded by my director and my team and focus on preparing for the role. All my focus and attention gets to my movie project once I start to prepare for a role and that has helped me give wonderful and impactful performances. Funny part is the when I am preparing for my role the rumour spreads that I am gone with my boyfriend. Lol. QUESTION 11 Any new exciting projects coming up you would like to share with us? I am working on an international movie project that is going to be filmed in Dubai, USA and Pakistan. I am also very excited about my charity related, welfare and women empowerment projects QUESTION 13 Dr Amber created this power networking digital platform. Special message you want to give our Beauty Global Network readers. Women should be supported by women. They should not be harrassed or sexually abused in a male dominated society. I want to fight for the women rights and we should speak up about the existing issues and women honor shoud be protected. We as responsible humans need to ensure that women should not be cursed and abused in any way or form and need to be respected.

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