Policy News Journal - 2016-17

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals ……………………………………………………………Policy News Journal

 they cause stress;  they're bad for our health;  they wreck relationships;  they make caring for children or dependents more difficult; and  tired, burnt-out staff are bad for business.

But they also say that we should turn into a nation of clock watchers. Few people mind putting in extra effort from time to time when it is needed, but it is too easy for extra time to be taken for granted and expected day in day out.

If this is you then workSMART recommend that you should:

 take some time to reflect on how well (or badly) you're balancing your life;  take this one day in the year to make the most of your own time;  have a proper lunchbreak; and  leave work on time to enjoy your Friday evening - you deserve it!

Although Work Your Proper Hours Day for 2017 is 24 February, your own pay day may come earlier or later, depending on the hours you work above your contracted hours.

Use the workSMART online unpaid overtime calculator to find out when you can celebrate paying off your long hours debt.

CIPP comment By law, all workers must be paid at least £7.20 an hour if they are aged 25 years and over, or the National Minimum Wage rate relevant to their age if they are younger.

An online form is now available to use for reporting concerns about you or about someone else and names and other personal details are not required. The form can be used to report information about:

  

an employment agency

working time limits (48 hour working week)

national minimum wage

 minimum wage when working in farming or agriculture.

Pay and work rights complaints online

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£1 coins lose their legal tender from 15 October 2017 22 February 2017

The government is reminding businesses and individuals of the importance of using or returning all old £1 coins before 15 October 2017 when they lose their legal tender status.

On 28 March 2017 the new 12-sided pound coin enters circulation. This is the first time the £1 coin has been changed in over 30 years and is reported to be the most secure coin in the world. It boasts several new security features, including a hologram-like image that changes from a ‘£’ symbol to the number ‘1’ when the coin is seen from different angles. It also has micro-lettering and milled edges, to prevent counterfeits, which cost taxpayers and businesses millions every year. Businesses Businesses of all sizes are being encouraged to visit the New Pound Coin website to find out how to get ready for the change, and to download helpful materials to help educate and train staff.

All cash handling businesses should take the following steps before March 2017:


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