2020-2021 Vegetalis Catalog | North America





Pink-A-Licious 70012111 • Has a wonderful balance of sugar to acid, juiciness, and excellent flavor. • Strong plant vigor with good coverage protects the high-yielding concentrated fruit set of large, rosy-pink tomatoes; performs equally well in patio containers. • Firm fruits limit post-harvest losses. BEST FOR: salsa, salads, slicing, cooking

Namib 70009947 • Saladette/Roma type with sweet and rich in flavor. • Produces an abundance of uniform, firm fruit with attractive red color. • Adaptable, vigorous plants with early fruit set. BEST FOR: sauces, snacking, salsa, salads

Better Bush 70008899 • Early- to mid-season beefsteak produces 8 oz. fruit that delivers real tomato flavor. • Compact determinate habit is perfect for large pots or small gardens. • Attractive plant habit and beautiful sweet fruit. BEST FOR: fresh, salads, slicing

Big League 70093990 • Early maturing, full-sized meaty tomatoes on a compact plant! • A true container-type tomato producing the largest tomatoes in the shortest time. • Due to the sheer weight of the 14-21 oz fruit, support will be required. BEST FOR: fresh, salads, slicing





Simplicity 70081394 • Produces attractive, globe-shaped, meaty fruits with vibrant deep red color and appealing flavor. • Widely adaptable for all regions. • For mild winter regions in the Southeastern US, Simplicity is well-suited for late fall, winter and spring production. BEST FOR: fresh, salads, slicing

Carolina Gold 70011767 • Sweet, mild, and flavorful tomatoes turn a beautiful golden yellow at maturity. • Firm and meaty, this low-acid tomato has very few seeds and is tolerant to cracking. • Uniform ripening of extra-large fruit beginning early to mid-season. BEST FOR: fresh, salads, slicing

Carmello 70000024 • A classic, French hybrid developed especially for eating fresh off the vine. • Indeterminate vines produce medium to large fruit with thin non-cracking skins. • This sweet and juicy beauty has a wonderfully rich and balanced flavor. BEST FOR: fresh, juicing, sauces

Bobcat 70005393 • This high-yielding beefsteak produces globe shaped red fruit. • This vigorous plant has dense foliage that provides excellent protection to the fruit.

• Suitable for large patio containers. BEST FOR: fresh, slicing, cooking


What to plant where...


INDETERMINATE Indeterminate tomatoes produce 6+ foot vines are best for in-ground planting. Provide extra-tall cages or trellises for support.

Extensively trialed in Gilroy, California, Vegetalis tomatoes readily adapt to containers! Our varieties maintain fruit size, flavor, and yield potential in containers compared to in-ground plantings. Traditional tomatoes will perform best in larger containers. To avoid water stress and tipping over from a high fruit load we suggest a 12-14” or larger patio pot. A heavy-duty cage will help to support the weight of our high-yielding beefsteak varieties. Dependant on the variety, our small space tomatoes perform well in 8-10” containers. Please consult the At-A-Glance pages for our container recommendations.

Mountain Man 70081398 • Produces extra-large fruit with delicious flavor that is well-balanced between sweetness and acidity. • Deep red color internal and external color, high-yields are supported by strong plants. BEST FOR: fresh, salads, slicing, cooking



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