Bigger, better, grander Millennium Park proposed
ORLÉANS | If CumberlandWard Coun. Ste- phen Blais has his way, Millennium Park will become the mecca for minor soccer and football events in the Greater Ottawa Area. Blais announced signing of a memoran- dum of agreement (MOA) with local hous- ing development outfits that will support an $8 million expansion of the existing Millennium Park facility. The Cumberland Ward councillor described the MOA as the first hurdle cleared in making the expan- sion project a reality for Ottawa’s east end suburb. “Millennium will be the premiere destina- tion for minor soccer and football in Otta- wa,” stated Blais. “The additional fields and the showcase turf field will allow for thou- sands more children to participate in minor sports.” The MOA allows for a partnership be- tween the city and local homebuilders who will provide both the funding and the de- sign and building expertise for the majority of the park expansion. The Millennium Park expansion has been a personal project of Blais since he was elected and is described as the largest investment in park and rec- reation infrastructure for the Orléans area since it was amalgamated with the City of Ottawa. “With more and more kids playing sports,” stated Mark Ouellet, vice-president for the Cumberland Panthers Football Club, “the Cumberland Panthers Family is ecstatic that
Photo City of Ottawa
Ready for the late-night games, this artist’s conception offers an aerial view of what the future expanded Millennium Park could look like when finished. The multi- million-dollar expansion project will be the biggest recreational infrastructure project in the history of the CumberlandWard.
La vie est plus radieuse sous le soleil
Millennium Park will be expanded to meet these demands. Thanks to Coun. Blais’ tire- less efforts, our players will now play at the best venue in our entire league.” “The explosion of boys and girls playing soccer in the east end has presented infra- structure challenges for our club,” stated Antoly Gann, president of the Cumberland Cobras United Soccer Club. The present Millennium Park facility is a family-oriented destination sports and recreation site that serves both organized clubs and individual casual users. The ex- pansion project, once completed, will make the site open year-round to junior sports clubs and also include various active and
passive features that will appeal to mem- bers of the general public of all ages. They will include multi-use recreational paths, gazebo or other types of shade structures, treed picnic areas, open lawns, a central play zone with various children’s play struc- tures, a splash pad with junior and senior play zones for summer use, and numerous sports fields. The expansion plan calls for an artificial turf soccer and football field suitable for games in all types of weather, a football field with bleachers and high-intensity lights for night games, nine full-sized soccer fields, a junior-sized soccer field, two Ultimate Fris- bee fields, and a 400-metre running track.
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