The Source Annual Review 2019

Network Organisation Chart

Supervisory Council & Board of Asso- ciation

Members of the Association

National / Sub-Regional Boards


Governance Wetlands International has two complementary forms of international governance: an association of members (governments and NGOs), and a foundation overseen by a supervisory council whose members also constitute the board of the association. The 2019 report from the super- visory council can be found on page 38. Where network offices have an independent legal status they are governed by national/ sub-regional boards, of which the network CEO is an ex-officio member. Network Management The global board, consisting of the Wetlands International CEO and heads of each office, is responsible for strategic decisions on positioning, programme priorities and insti- tutional issues. The global board delegates operational decision-making to the network management team chaired by the CEO and with four members from among heads of office and four global functions (Programme, Resources, Communications, Operations). In 2019 the network man- agement team met online bi-monthly and the global board met in person in October. The global office management team facilitates network executive management as well as managing the Global Office. Programme development and project implementation is undertaken by all Offices work - ing in collaboration with each other and many partners. Accountability Transparency and accountability towards our stakehold- ers are part of our core values, including actively seeking feedback on our performance. A dedicated section of our website provides our annual reports and annual accounts,

and information about key global policies including Con- servation and Human Rights Framework, INGO Accounta- bility Framework, Code of Conduct, Corporate Engagement, Anti-corruption, Ethical, Gender, and Partnership policies can be found here. Anti-Corruption and Whistle blowing All staff are introduced to the anti-corruption policy in their Induction and are encouraged to be vigilant and discuss any suspicions with their line manager or head of office. All stakeholders can approach Wetlands International with their grievances or complaints related to possible cases of fraud, corruption. The complaints procedure is available on the Wetlands International website. In 2019 there were no recorded cases of fraud or corruption and no complaints received. Corporate Social Responsibility Wetlands International strives to act in its daily operations in a sustainable and socially responsible way. In our office in the Netherlands, we actively encourage our employees to use public transport and all flights booked are compen - sated for their CO2 emission (409 tonnes in 2019). We take further steps to reduce our ecological footprint where practical. We publish as much as possible our com- munication materials online and only essential stationary material is printed. We use web meetings for internal and external meetings. Office supplies such as coffee, tea and paper are organic, fair trade and recycled. We have an auto- matic energy saving light system and office waste is sepa - rated for recycling.

Network CEO


Global Office Management Team

Global Board (of Heads of Oce)

Network Management Team


Global Office (services Network & Oces)

Network Offices



Wetlands Annual Review 2019

Wetlands Annual Review 2019

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