The Source Annual Review 2019

Associated members, experts and volunteers

Risk Management

A risk register is updated at every reporting cycle, including mitigating measures, and discussed with the Wetlands International Supervisory Council. The top five risks are specified in the table below.

European Association Members 10

(global) Association Members 36


Volunteer Citizen Scientists

Mitigation measures

Potential Impact on organisation


Area of risk

Maintain close contacts with heads of office, diplomatic networks and with donors. Strengthen cooperation with local communities. Incorporate flexibility in project design.


Governance (external)

This risk is prevalent across most regions where we work and can mean that all office operations are suspended or that specific projects delayed significantly or cancelled. Wetlands International has more than 40 Governmental and NGO members. They are a key constit- uency that help advance our stra- tegic intent and pay membership fees that support key work of the organisation. Without a strong pipeline of new prospects and project proposals it will not be possible to maintain core staff, nor create the positive impact needed for wetlands and the communities who depend on them. Delays can reduce the level or quality of project achievements and cause negative financial re - sults in offices.

Political instability and conflict


Partners 251

Supervisory Council

Engage with members in conjunction with Ramsar meetings. Strengthen communications and relationship management with delegates. Launch on-line campaign in 2020.


Loss of members

Governance (internal)



Associate Experts

Councillors of Honour


Specialist Groups

Management team, heads of offices and programme heads have time reserved to identify and develop opportunities. The global offices will recruit a new resource development manager and hold bi-weekly meet- ings to review opportunities. A programme head is assigned to supervise each large international project. They take responsibility for flagging any progress issues and solutions to programme leadership team and to the management team. Proposal design includes organisa- tional development wherever possi- ble. Close cooperation with heads of office on capabilities and develop - ment needs


Insufficient resource devel- opment to imple- ment the strategic intent and cover organisational costs Delay in project implementation creates over-run in time and over- spending


Members Government and NGO members of the (global) association provide long-term support and strategic guidance to the organisation. Members passed resolutions including endorse- ment of the revised mission and direction of the Strategic In- tent (2020-2030) at the annual members meeting in Decem- ber 2019. Our European Association has 10 NGO members that jointly steer our programme action across the region. Strategic Partnerships Wetlands International works with in many and varied part- nerships in nearly all of the work it undertakes. Our partner- ship policy lays down principles that guide why and how long-term strategic relationships are developed and managed. There were no new strategic partnership agreements in 2019.

Increasing our reach as a network The strength of the Wetlands International network is more than the sum-total of its offices. Through working with influ - ential partners, specialist groups, experts and members, we accelerate our momentum and strategic results. Members and the supervisory council provide active gov- ernance and, together with Counsellors of honours, bring high-level expertise, guidance and connections. Specialist groups, associate experts and partners provide expertise, evidence and advice that underpins Wetlands International’s approach on science, policy and practice. Partner organisa- tions with whomWetlands International works regularly to implement programmes and projects are listed on pages 46- 49 of the Annex. We are especially proud of our long-standing engagement with volunteer and citizen science groups, such as those who participate in the International Waterbird Cen- sus, that are vital to mobilising a whole-of-society response.



Over-stretched staff are unable to deliver quality results on time. This affects delivery and reliabili - ty of our operations.


Insufficient staff capacity to de- liver on complex, co-funded inter- national projects




Wetlands Annual Review 2019

Wetlands Annual Review 2019

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