Worcester: Getting To The CORE Of Back & Neck Pain

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

April, 2018

“Guess Which Body Part To Focus On To Reduce Pain!” GET TO THE CORE OF BACK & NECK PAIN

If your foundation is weak or crooked, then the other parts of your body, which rely on this, will not function properly. The timing and strength of variousmusclecontractions iscriticalforyourproperbodyfunction. Ifyour timing is off and your muscles are weak, abnormal strains occur to your spine, causing a lot of common aches and pains. Your core muscles consist of a wide variety of skeletal muscles that keep you erect and help you move around on two feet. The core is a group of muscles in the pelvis, spine, abdominal and upper thigh areas. These muscles are arranged in different angles that are layered to give you support and stability.

When the spinal joints, hip joints, sacroiliac joints and the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, spine and hips don’t move well, a resulting strain occurs onthespine.Thiscausespainandcanoccuratanystageof life.However, this typically happens as we become older and less active as adults. Howdoesthecorebecomeweakandstiff? Asimpleanswer;use itor lose it.Our lifestyles todayputusat risk forbackandneckpainwithprolonged sittingatwork,sitting inthecar,bendingforward,watchingTV,poorposture andmanyotherfactorswhichcontributetocoreweakness.Oncethecore isweakened, theweightofyourbodyrestsonyourspinaldiscs, jointsand ligaments causing long term damage. At Worcester Physical Therapy Services we know the right movements and manual techniques that have been proven to help patients get back to and active and healthy lifestyle.

Most people suffer from back pain at some point. Most people will experiencebackpainsometime intheir lifeduetocoremuscleweakness.


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