The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.2

100 The Fundamentals 2. T h e unity is historic . The whole Bible is the his­ tory of the kingdom of God. Israel represents that kingdom. And two things are noticeable. All centers about the Hebrew nation' lity. With their origin and progress the main his­ torical portion begins; and with their apostasy and captivity it stops. The times of the Gentiles filled the interval and have no proper history; prophecy, which is history anticipated, takes up the broken thread, and gives us the outline of the future when Israel shall again take its place among the nations. 3. T h e un ity is dispensational . There a re certain uniform dispensational features which distinguish every new period. Each dispensation is marked by seven features, in the following order: (a) Increased light; (b) Decline of spiritual life; (c) Union between disciples and the world; (d) A gigan­ tic civilization worldly in type; (e) Parallel development of good and evil; (f) Apostasy on the part of. God’s people; (g) Concluding judgment. We are now in the seventh dispensa­ tion, and the same seven marks have been upon all alike, show­ ing one controlling power —Deus in Historia. 4. T h e u n ity is prophet ic . Of all prophecy, there is but one center, The kingdom and the King. 1. Adam, the first king, lost his scepter by sin. His probation ended in failure and disaster. 2. The second Adam, in His probation, gained the victory, routed the tempter, and stood firm. The two comings of this King constituted the two focal centers of the prophetic ellipse. His first coming was to make possible an empire in man and over man. His second coming will be to set that empire up in glory. All prophecy moves about these two advents. It touches Israel only as related to the kingdom; and the Gentiles only as related to Israel. Hence, in the Old Testament, Nineveh, Babylon, and Egypt loom up as the main foes to the kingdom, as represented by the He­ brews; and in the New Testament, the Beast, Prophet, and Dragon are conspicuous, as the gigantic adversaries of that kingdom after Israel again takes her place.

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