The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.2

The Inspiration of the Bible 43 est statesmen, as well as our greatest missionaries, evangelists and theologians. There may be seen as able and august a gathering of representatives of Christianity in other places and on other occasions, but few.that can surpass it. For sobri­ ety of thought, for depth as well as breadth of learning, for wealth of spiritual experience, for honesty of utterance, and virility of conviction, the General Assembly of the Presbyte­ rian Church in America must command attention and respect throughout the world. And this is what it said on the subject we are now considering at its gathering in the city of Wash­ ington, the capital of the nation, at the date named: “THE BIBLE AS WE NOW HAVE IT, IN ITS VARI­ OUS TRANSLATIONS AND REVISIONS, WHEN FREED FROM ALL ERRORS AND MISTAKES OF TRANSLATORS, COPYISTS AND PRINTERS, (IS) THE VERY WORD OF GOD, AND CONSEQUENTLY WHOLLY WITHOUT ERROR.”

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