Materials: Craft sticks (8), milkshake straws or thick straws cut into quarters (2), skewers (2), cups (2) Optional- pipe cleaners, rubber bands Virtual Materials: Soda bottles (2), balloons (2), black paint or black construction paper, white paint or white construction paper, water, tape Materials: Template
Extension Grabber
Stop the Disaster
Solar BAlloons
Personal Power
Virtual Scratch & Codakid
Materials: Plastic eggs/hard boiled egg, coins, craft sticks, craft cubes, 1/8" dowel, plastic wheels, 2oz. plastic cups, masking tape, hot glue, crash course Materials: Cardboard, wax paper, tape, rubber bands, foil, scissors, 1/2 lbs. weight Materials: Cups, paper, tape, string, toys to sort
Crash Test Car
Cardboard Boat
Materials: Juice boxes, toothpicks, chopsticks, plastic, cups/bowls, popsicle sticks, straws, screws/nuts/bolts, paperclips, construction paper, balloon, cd/dvd, shiny paper, rubber bands, sponges, velcro, glue Materials: Shoebox/cardboard box, construction paper, paint, props, dental floss/thread, tape Virtual Materials: Shredded paper, hot water, bowl, blender, flour, salt. Takes overnight
Spacecraft Communication (Binary) Scene and Stage Design Virtual Biotechnology Design Process
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