Camp Crew Bible Study_2020


Colossians 3:18–4:1 There are few words that provoke as strong a reaction as the word “submission”! It usually conjures up negative thoughts and emotions for most people who instinctively link the concept with a person’s value or worth. Authority is then associated with power and privilege while submission is seen as degrading and even abusive. Though this is how popular culture may view it, as far as the Bible is concerned, such a perspective could not be further from the truth! Headship and submission as taught in God’s Word have nothing to do with value or worth but rather with roles and responsibilities. The fact is, no one is exempt from functioning in a submissive role to some form of leadership. Even those in authority must live in submission ultimately to God who holds them responsible for the welfare of those they are called to lead. Another way of saying this is that no one is ever “over” without also being “under” (see Matthew 8:8-9)! Furthermore, we are all to submit to the needs of others regardless of what our role may be (Ephesians 5:21). In these verses, Paul highlights several types of relationships where a submissive attitude is to be evident. Not only are wives, children, and servants to function in submission but so also are husbands, fathers, and masters as they self-sacrificially serve those they are called to lead. As biblical headship and submission are lived out the way God intends (Matthew 20:25-28), it brings blessing, and glorifies God by putting Him on display since the Father and the Son also function in a beautiful headship/submission relationship (1 Corinthians 11:3)! LifeStep Are you in a position of authority? Identify one way you can fulfill that role today through self-sacrificial service to those you lead. Are you called to submit to someone else? Identify one way you can bless them by making it easier for them to lead you well. Finally, how can you demonstrate your submission to God through your submission to others?

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