Camp Crew Bible Study_2020

(Theme Continued) for a small group of insiders. For them, the knowledge of Christ might be a start, but more was required for a complete spiritual experience. Whether or not the Colossian heresy was directly related to Gnosticism, the point is that false teachers were claiming that simple faith in Christ was not enough for salvation and sanctification. To counter this, Paul presents a compelling description of the person and work of Christ. As a result, Colossians is his most Christ- focused epistle. In it, he refers directly to Jesus Christ over twenty-five times and uses over thirty different Greek words to explain and demonstrate Christ’s total sufficiency. Many of these words would later become favorite words of gnostic teachers such as “fullness” (1:19; 2:9), “knowledge” (2:3; 3 :10), “mystery” (1:26- 27; 2:2-3; 4:3), and “wisdom” (1:28; 3:16). In chapter one, he describes the supremacy of Christ above all. In chapter two, he warns against all attempts to add to Christ’s finished work. Finally, in chapters three and four he demonstrates how the truth of Christ’s supremacy and of our sufficiency in Him is to be lived out in daily life. Are you tempted to believe that Jesus is not enough? Or perhaps you’re discouraged by the keen awareness of your own spiritual inadequacy? In either case, enjoy Colossians and think deeply on its truths. It’s an awesome reminder that “ His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. ” (2 Peter 1:3)

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