Camp Crew Bible Study_2020


Colossians 1:1-8 What is the most powerful, unstoppable force in all the world? A category 5 hurricane? An earthquake? An atomic explosion? Those are good candidates but they cannot compare to the power of the gospel which alone can totally transform a person’s character and change their eternal destination! No other message can produce love where once there was enmity (vv.4, 8) and provide authentic hope that extends beyond the grave (v.5). Paul reminds us in these opening verses that the gospel is unstoppable and is constantly producing results and increasing its impact around the world. No earthly force can stop it even though it is met with resistance wherever it goes. What can explain this kind of power? Paul answers this as he expresses his thanks for the impact of the gospel in the lives of his readers. The gospel message is powerful because it’s not an opinion or idea dreamed up by man. It is truth (v.5) that is focused on Jesus Christ, the Son of God (v.4). What can save a person from the horrific penalty and enslaving power of sin? No human effort, religion, or philosophy can do this. Christ alone is able to save. His death paid sin’s penalty and His resurrection opened up the way to a new life that cannot be defeated by sin’s power. Simple faith and trust in Him alone (v.4) unites me with Him so that His death and resurrection become mine. My sin penalty is paid and I become a totally new creation in Him. The gospel isn’t a call to have faith in just anything or anyone or a commitment to live a certain way. It’s an invitation to continually place one’s total confidence in Christ alone to save. When you do, you can’t avoid the gradual transformation that will result. LifeStep How confident are you in Christ’s power to save? Have you given up praying for someone’s salvation? Start praying for them again today! Have you given up trying hard to be a good Christian? Excellent! Instead of depending on yourself, ask Christ to live through you today! Colossians 1:9-14 If someone were to record and then analyze the content of your prayers over a two-week period, what would they find in terms of their frequency, content, and expectations? Most of us would probably decline such an exercise realizing that the results would leave much to be desired! In these verses, we can see just how spiritually-minded the apostle Paul was as we are given a glimpse of his “prayer list” for his readers. It’s challenging to note that every single request has something to do with spiritual growth and is centered on the Father and the Son. Paul asks for five basic things: 1) that they might be filled with an understanding of HIS will, 2) that they would walk and serve in ways that please HIM, 3) that they would know HIM better, 4) be strengthened with HIS power, and 5) be filled with gratitude to HIM. Paul did not ask for these things every once in a while. Rather, these requests were constantly on his lips as he prayed for his readers (v.9). What we continually pray for is an excellent indicator of the spiritual temperature of our lives. Paul’s prayer life was red hot because the affections of his heart were tied to eternal things! Could it be that our prayer life is cold because our hearts have become enamored with things that have no lasting significance? LifeStep There’s much food for thought in these verses. How can we begin praying for others as Paul did? Start today! Write and post these five requests in places where you will see them often: around the house, at your place of employment, on your tablet or smart phone, in your car, etc. Then begin continually asking God for these things, first for yourself and then for others. When you do, you’ll never have to wonder if you’re asking for the right things since every one of these will always be in accordance with what God would desire.

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