Sinclair Insider Summer Version 2024

My patient refrained from going on holidays due to lack of confidence in her appearance


Case study: Yuliya Culley’s RGN, INP, BSc and MSc, Novello Skin, Cheltenham

This case study discusses how upper arms skin laxity was addressed for my 60-year-old healthy, female patient who lost her confidence in wearing short sleeved clothes and stopped going on holidays to sunny destinations.


My patient was fit and healthy, with no known contraindications for the Lanluma procedure. We developed a positive patient-health care professional relationship over the years and patient trusted me to explore sustainable, longevity options for her arms’ skin elasticity to help her to regain confidence for better quality of life. As for medical professional, the reason for Lanluma selection for me was the Poly-L-Lactic Acid safety profile 3, 6 and its principal ingredient, provides results that appear gradually and last more than two years 7 . Backed with the support from Sinclair, with comprehensive protocols and video tutorials on the application of the product being available in Sinclair College 1, 2, 4 . The consistent results are offered over course of treatments without over- volumising soft tissue with uniform results without palpating edges of placed product.

On the day of the treatment, a summary of initial consultation was provided with answering patient’s questions, aftercare written instructions including the importance of massaging and consent forms. The baseline photos were taken as a part of assessment and monitoring progress with each session.



"I felt my patient was a perfect candidate for Lanluma."

Prior to enquiring about treatment in arms’ region, the patient has been visiting practice for approximately 5 years to address concerns such as androgenetic alopecia, facial volume loss, muscle-relaxing injections for upper face and skin photodamage. An initial contact was via our website, following Google search for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) locally. Delighted with results, the patient wished to explore options for skin laxity of the body. Despite active regime, regular exercises and normal BMI index, she felt that skin around the arms has become a big concern during menopause. The patient tried treatments including skin boosters and bio remodelling therapies with hyaluronic acid around 2 years ago, however she felt results were not satisfactory and not long lasting enough to maintain treatments. She stopped going on holidays in warm weather and felt the choice of her clothes was limited with skin coverage above elbows.

The patient was offered a consultation as primary stage in developing individualised treatment plan. Whilst there were no medical contraindications for the treatment with Lanluma, it was important to establish several treatments would be required to achieve gradual results. The patient’s compliance with after care, especially massaging, was a key to minimise possible side effects such as nodules and offer uniform results in treated areas. I suggested 3 treatments with 4-6 weeks gap between sessions. Cooling-off period was offered with comprehensive follow-up encrypted email, covering information about Lanluma, treatment plan, possible side effects and after care to enable patient to give informed consent.


BEFORE / AFTER Three Lanluma V in total across three sessions. Before and after photos taken 24 weeks apart.

Results and photos were compared every session with final results evaluation 4.5 months after treatment initiation that included three sessions every 4 weeks. The patient rated an overall experience and results as “very satisfied’. She was pleased with longevity of results that Lanluma has to offer and was advised to attend annual review to observe results with potential maintenance session to allow long benefit results of the treatment.

1. Sinclair Pharma. LanlumaÆ: Upper Arm Treatment Protocol. 2. Sinclair College. Treatment videos: Upper arm procedure to treat skin laxity. Available from: https://sinclair-college. com/course/view.php?id=235 3. Lanluma Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance. Available from: performance-sscp-switzerland-only-ll-mdd-sscp-01.html 4. 5. Lanluma Aftercare Guide. lanluma-journey/aftercare-guide/ 6. Shridharani, S., Tisch, G., Ebersole, T., Moak, T. and Edwards, C. (2021) Clinical experience of poly-L-lactic acid injections for body contouring treatment. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 20, p. 1655-1662. 7. Christen, M (2022) Collagen Stimulators in Body Applications: A Review Focused on Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA). Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 15, pp. 997-1019. 8. J A Acdad Dermatol 2010;62:448-62)

The information contained within this article has been provided by medical professionals in their medical practices independently of any involvement of Sinclair. Any opinions, information, views or advice provided or expressed are those of such medical professionals and not of Sinclair. Use of Sinclair’s products in combination with any other product or accessory that is not listed within the IFU shall be undertaken entirely at the medical professionals risk.



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