Hola Sober


Derry girls is a comedy written by Lisa McGee and is based on her experiences of growing up in Derry in the 1990s during the troubles. The show focuses on five teenagers who all attend the local catholic school, run by the very bored and disillusioned Nun, Sister George Michael. The show focuses not only on the hilarious situations that the teens get themselves into, but also focuses on the politics of Northern Ireland. There are times when this show will bring you to tears, it’s so much more than a comedy show. It is beautifully acted, wonderfully researched, and for a 90s kid like me. The 90’s fashions and subjects transported me back to my teenage years on many occasions. This show is not new to the UK and Ireland (it’s just finished here) but it is now on Netflix so others will get a chance to watch it AND I urge you to do so, you will not be disappointed. DERRY GIRLS - NETFLIX DRAMA COMEDY SERIES BETH'S RATING

D R A M A The Lincoln Lawyer - NETFLIX

Based on the novel ‘The Brass Verdict' by Michael Connelly, The Lincoln lawyer is a good solid watch. We first meet the show's protagonist, Micky Haller as he sits staring out to sea, having recently left rehab where he was treated for a painkiller addiction, which began after a surfing accident. In a strange turn of events, he is left a former colleague’s legal practice after the lawyer is murdered. Working alongside his ex-wife and her partner he must now work to rebuild his reputation and get his career back on track. I enjoyed this, it’s a good courtroom drama and the scenes with his driver who is also a recovering addict are especially interesting as they allow us to discover more about Michael and how his mind works. This show doesn’t exactly cover new ground, but it’s entertaining nonetheless WATCH BLING EMPIRE on NETFLIX here


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