Personally, of all the things I’ve tried, the easiest, most direct way of naturally increasing HGH seems to be intermittent fasting. Studies have shown very interesting and even compelling results from restricting your caloric intake into a small window of time each day, every day. And to adjust to that fasting, your body responds with massive natural increases in HGH levels. For me, what I found was nothing short of a medical miracle. Over a few months of trying intermittent fasting, my elbow problems receded by 95% or more. I’m back in the gym as often as I want. I’ve recovered so much that I’m hitting personal records in elbow-important exercises that I haven’t hit since my early 30s. Essentially, by fasting 12 hours to 18 hours each day, one can increase natural HGH production levels back to those of one’s youth. I eased into it over a few weeks, so I didn’t find it that difficult to adopt as a lifestyle. Some studies have even shown natural increases in HGH levels of 500% or more. The overall impact on my life has been overwhelmingly positive. I feel more youthful, I’m stronger, I sleep more soundly, and there is no question that I’m experiencing faster Professor Joel Litman is the chief investment strategist at Altimetry. He helps investors get it right when Wall Street gets it wrong by using a team of 90 accountants and analysts who sift through more than 8,000 publicly traded companies around the world.
healing and recovery times. I’m not a doctor... So I can’t and wouldn’t recommend anything medically. However, I can shout at the top of my lungs about how intermittent fasting has personally changed my life. It has reversed my aging process in strength, sleep, healing, and recovery. My chronic elbow problem, which I thought I would be stuck with for life, is all but nonexistent (knock on wood). People tell me I look younger, and when I first meet new people now they don’t ever guess I’m on my 50th year of life. Given my crazy travel schedule and long hours studying the markets and individual companies and stocks, the heavier sleep has been a godsend. Again, I haven’t decreased the number of calories I consume... I’ve just changed when I consume them. I drink plenty of water while fasting – particularly carbonated water. I also drink black decaf coffee and lots of peppermint or chamomile tea. Peppermint tea has valuable polyphenols which also have several health benefits. Start out slow... try intermittent fasting for a couple of days and see how you feel. If you’re interested in reading more from Joel, he publishes a free daily letter called the Altimetry Daily Authority – where he talks about the hidden accounting of companies that Wall Street misses, as well as his health experiments like intermittent fasting. You can learn more by clicking here.
American Consequences
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