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opportunities to access identity data. They may come into it as part of compromised cardholder information through a payment breach and build out the remainder of the identity from there, or they may gain access to online profiles that contain more extensive identity details. “They can also buy full identities directly from dark web vendors if they want to outsource the data collection process,” she added. “These ‘fullz packs’” – slang for fairly complete stolen identity data – “typically include cardholder information, account access credentials, date of birth, Social Security number, and often details like mother’s maiden name or answers to security questions.” Wilson adds, “Once a fraudster has their hands on this identity information, they can continue to use it across a variety of schemes, since most valuable identity details (like a Social Security number) are lifetime data, viable to exploit for decades.” Having been the victim of identity fraud multiple times – someone pilfered my credit card number in Europe years ago – I was tempted to sign up for one of the services that regularly monitor and report potential credit or ID fraud. Rossman at Bankrate.com told me these services are often not worth it. “You can do this yourself for free,” he said. “You can check your credit regularly.” Wilson agreed: “Identity monitoring services are too little, too late. While they’re a favorite offering of organizations that A CALL CENTER IN THE PHILIPPINES
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