King's Business - 1963-11

NOW! Train teachers in all departments with new “ how-to” filmstrips Teacher training filmstrips an d records

Available now: SET 1:

Sunbeam in Your Hand (Nursery) A Secret Is to Tell (Beginner)

set $16.50

CALLING, is a challenging prelude to the entire series. It shows how Bible teaching can be eternally worthwhile and rewarding and why thorough training is so vital. This 25-minute filmstrip is offered for FREE showing in your church (or you may pur­ chase it to keep handy in your library for year-round use in training teachers). Eight separate departmental filmstrips, 130 - 160 frames each, are packaged in sets of two: Nursery/Beginner; Primary/Junior; Young Teen/Senior High; Adult/Cradle Roll. A 12" LP record in each set provides an 18-minute narration for each of two strips. Each set sells for $16.50. Reserve SO HIGH A CALLING for free showing in your church and ask for com­ plete information about ROYAL COMMIS­ SION Filmstrips .. . today! I f it's a S c rip tu re Press p ro d u c t, y o u can use it w ith c o n fid e n c e ! See a n d h e a r these n e w te a c h e r tra in in g film s trip s a t y o u r C h ris tia n b o o k s to re o r w rite . . .

SET 2:

w ith detailed discussion guides . . . another new Scripture Press product Need more trained teachers in your Sunday School? (Most churches do!) This all-new series of nine teacher training filmstrips will help to train your Sunday School staff to teach God’s Word more effectively to every age-group. Each strip tells in dramatic story fashion how to organize and teach in a spe­ cific department . . . how to adapt Bible lesson content and teaching methods to the needs of that age range. A special Discussion Guide (indispensa­ ble tool for obtainingmaximum benefit from filmstrip showings) accompanies each film­ strip. It calls attention to many important facets of various teaching situations—every­ thing from room arrangements to discipline —and outlines four discussion sessions for each filmstrip. Beautiful full-color photography and pro­ fessionally recorded narration distinguish this sparkling new filmstrip series. The introductory filmstrip, SO HIGH A SCRIPTURE PRESS

Cross Over the Bridge (Primary) Welcome to the Club (Junior) set $16.50 Coming soon: SET 3: Young Teen Department filmstrip Senior High Department filmstrip (Available Nov. 1,1963) set $16.50 SET 4: Adult Department filmstrip Cradle Roll Department filmstrip (Available January 1, 1964) set $16.50 Introductory filmstrip, So High a Calling, $10.00 (outright pur­ chase) or for free showing.

SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Wheaton, Illinois Please send me:

K B F-l 13

□ Brochure giving complete information about ROYAL COMMISSION Teacher Training Filmstrips. □ Introductory filmstrip, So High a Calling, for

FREE showing on_ (First and second choice dates).

Name_ Address.


.ZIP #_


Church. Position in Church.


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