NOW! Train teachers in all departments with new “ how-to” filmstrips Teacher training filmstrips an d records
Available now: SET 1:
Sunbeam in Your Hand (Nursery) A Secret Is to Tell (Beginner)
set $16.50
CALLING, is a challenging prelude to the entire series. It shows how Bible teaching can be eternally worthwhile and rewarding and why thorough training is so vital. This 25-minute filmstrip is offered for FREE showing in your church (or you may pur chase it to keep handy in your library for year-round use in training teachers). Eight separate departmental filmstrips, 130 - 160 frames each, are packaged in sets of two: Nursery/Beginner; Primary/Junior; Young Teen/Senior High; Adult/Cradle Roll. A 12" LP record in each set provides an 18-minute narration for each of two strips. Each set sells for $16.50. Reserve SO HIGH A CALLING for free showing in your church and ask for com plete information about ROYAL COMMIS SION Filmstrips .. . today! I f it's a S c rip tu re Press p ro d u c t, y o u can use it w ith c o n fid e n c e ! See a n d h e a r these n e w te a c h e r tra in in g film s trip s a t y o u r C h ris tia n b o o k s to re o r w rite . . .
SET 2:
w ith detailed discussion guides . . . another new Scripture Press product Need more trained teachers in your Sunday School? (Most churches do!) This all-new series of nine teacher training filmstrips will help to train your Sunday School staff to teach God’s Word more effectively to every age-group. Each strip tells in dramatic story fashion how to organize and teach in a spe cific department . . . how to adapt Bible lesson content and teaching methods to the needs of that age range. A special Discussion Guide (indispensa ble tool for obtainingmaximum benefit from filmstrip showings) accompanies each film strip. It calls attention to many important facets of various teaching situations—every thing from room arrangements to discipline —and outlines four discussion sessions for each filmstrip. Beautiful full-color photography and pro fessionally recorded narration distinguish this sparkling new filmstrip series. The introductory filmstrip, SO HIGH A SCRIPTURE PRESS
Cross Over the Bridge (Primary) Welcome to the Club (Junior) set $16.50 Coming soon: SET 3: Young Teen Department filmstrip Senior High Department filmstrip (Available Nov. 1,1963) set $16.50 SET 4: Adult Department filmstrip Cradle Roll Department filmstrip (Available January 1, 1964) set $16.50 Introductory filmstrip, So High a Calling, $10.00 (outright pur chase) or for free showing.
SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Wheaton, Illinois Please send me:
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□ Brochure giving complete information about ROYAL COMMISSION Teacher Training Filmstrips. □ Introductory filmstrip, So High a Calling, for
FREE showing on_ (First and second choice dates).
Name_ Address.
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Church. Position in Church.
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