Dale Moody has done a study of Ephesians entitled Christ and the Church, in which he gives special attention to its application to present issues (Eerdmans $2.95). Abraham Kuyper has done an ex position of the Revelation. He repre sents the covenant theology position, but his spiritual insights and applica tions are sometimes useful (Eerdmans $2.25 in paper). Sir William M. Ramsay’s Letters to the Seven Churches has been put back into print by Baker Book House ($4.95). E d ito r's N o te : Book review s be in g on page 3 8 o f th is special issue. This Bible is what is called an extra- illustrated Bible. Someone at some time in the past apparently obtained a set of pic tures from Germany and had them bound into a King James Bible published in Lon don during the years 1707-1709. There are 749 number plates scattered through out the volumes. All are full page engrav ings, except some maps and diagrams that are folded. We have been unable to find a listing of this Bible in any bibliographic source, or in any library in the world. It may be the only copy exactly like it in existence. In one place one turns twenty- one plates before coming to another page of text.
Commentaries The new translation of Calvin’s commentaries is coming along with Hebrews and Peter, translated by W. B. Johnston, just being released by Eerdmans ($6.00). Previous volumes include John, Corinthians, Romans, and Thessalonians. This translation project is under the editorial direc tion of David and Thomas F. Tor rance. The New International Commen tary on the New Testament has proved itself to be one of the most significant of commentary series in this generation. The Old Testament section of this is now being intro duced with Isaiah, Volume, 1 by Ed ward J. Young (Eerdmans* Decem ber, $6.00). In the series, Proclaiming the New Testament, Baker Book House has issued twelve titles now, which al most complete the set ($2.50 and $2.75 each). Fifteen volumes are now ready in The Tyndale New Testament Com mentaries series. The two latest are F. F. Bruce on Romans and Francis Foulkes on Ephesians (Eerdmans $3.00 each; other volumes run $2.00 and $3.00). Eerdmans is introducing a new 6- volume Wesleyan Bible Commentary, written by a group of scholars be longing to the Wesleyan tradition. The first volume is on the Gospels, and is authored jointly by Drs. Earl and Blaney. An old version of the Psalms is being revived in The Psalms of Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke, edited by J. C. A. Rathmell (Doubleday, $1.45). This was first published in 1823 under the title: The Psalmes of David Translated into Divers and Sundry Kinds of Verse. An important work has appeared in reprint: In and Around the Book of Daniel, by Charles Boutflower (Zon- dervan, $4.95). This has been almost impossible to pick up on the second hand market for a generation. Amos and His Message, a com plete analysis of the book, is being issued by Broadman ($3.75). This is the first major commentary on the book by an American author for many years. Commentary on Zechariah is the first volume in Merrill F. Unger’s series. It is a verse-by-verse exposi tion drawing upon the latest in archaeological and historical knowl edge (Zondervan, $6.95). The exhaustive work on Romans by the late Donald Gray Bamhouse has advanced with the publication of volume 8 covering chapters 9-11 (Eerdmans, $4.50). The title is God’s Covenants.
Dr. Ehlert and rare Bible Dictionaries
One of the big events of the year is the announcement by Eerdmans that Kittel’s German theological dic tionary is being translated into Eng lish unabridged, and will be pub lished under the title, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 1, November, $18.50). The original work began in Germany in 1928, and the English version will be complete in seven volumes. Some features of this will be unacceptable to the conservative student of the New Testament, but there is much in it that will enlarge one’s understanding of the theology of the New Testament, summarizing as it does the results of Septuagint studies, the pseudepigra- pha, rabbinic and classical sources. THE KING'S BUSINESS
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