King's Business - 1963-11

Loveliest Gilt Boohs of the Year OPENED TREASURES F rances R id ley H avergal ’ s 366 Choice Meditations by

Bo o k s t o Bu y to Read and Give LOST AND FOUND by Russell L . Mast

the “ sweet singer” of England Daily Bible verse with selections from the prose and poetry of this beloved hymn writer. A spir­ itual feast. $3.25

“ How can I find signi­ ficance for my life?” is answered by the parables in Luke 15. The author speaks with freshness and combines insight with simplicity. He shows how these parables of The Lost Sheep, The Ix>st Coin and The Lost Sons re­ flect our own “ lost­ ness” but reveal the only hope of our res­ toration to meaningful living. Cloth bound, $2.50

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HAROLD ST. JOHN A Portrait by His Daughter P a tr ic ia S t . J o h n Life story of her father, fascin­ atingly told by famous mission­ ary-author. $3.25 Dr. Wilbur M. Smith said:


WARNING FOR YOUTH by J. Edgar Hoover I ’ v e s p e n t 40 -years, my whole ca­ reer, dealing with the seamier side of life — robbery, kidnapping, gang­ sterism and murder. It is possible that the nation’s youngsters think of me, when they think of me at all, as pretty stern sort of person. Perhaps that’s just as well, for I want to give the young people of America some friendly, fatherly ad­ vice, and I would like them to take it very seriously. The advice has to do with the sex- crime headlines in the newspapers to­ day. These headlines worry everyone with any decency— they worry your parents and they worry you. And they certainly worry me. So I’ve worked up a list of ten “ Teen-Age Tips” that I feel will help young people to steer clear of dan­ ger. When you look them over you may say that some of them are only common sense. But remember that the common-sense rule is often the one we’re apt to forget. You’ll also note that some of the “ tips” apply only to girls. But re­ member again, every body has a sis­ ter or a girl friend who needs his protection and advice, so he should study the whole list too. In any case, these are the ten rules that, in my judgment and experi­ ence, are the most important. Don’t invite trouble! Here are 10 rules that every parent should make sure his youngster knows: 1. If any stranger— or even a slight acquaintance — makes improper ad­ vances, tell your parents immediate­ ly. Young people are too often kind- hearted about such things— they dis­ like the idea of getting an offender into “ trouble.” Just remember that if you don’t report him, he’ll probably get into worse trouble later on— to say nothing of the harm he may cause. 2. If you know of any pornographic pictures or literature being passed around, notify your parents immedi­ ately. Obscene reading matter is a favorite habit of the degenerate. If the au-

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SEARCH TO BELONG by Christmas Carol Kauffman

The story of a foster son’s search for his mother. Nobody who raised him knew his origin but the “ girl of his dreams,” whom he was to marry, helped him in his quest. He found his mother; their rapture was real. This is a true story that helps you to understand foster parents and fos­ ter children, and re­ assures the latter that they can overcome all obstacles. $3.50


THESE ARE by Miarold

Clearly depicts the na­ ture of the church and its discipleship accord­ ing to tne New Testa­ ment. Defines the peo­ ple of God, how they respond to God and how they grow in spir­ it. Rich in footnotes. Important to teachers, preachers an d every Christian. This earnest, capable s t u d y will bring you knowledge, benefit and blessing. $.1.50

11« CKWHEAT SUMMER by Ruth fJnrau

The story of a girl “ growing up.” A late hailstorm destroys the family crops. Shortness of time decides buck­ wheat, known to none but in pancakes. Mar­ tha had »«any other problems: learning to know Stefana Baronski, a f o r e i g n neighbor, meeting the mortgage, and making her family accept her as an in­ dividual. Will interest all ages and is full of surprises. $2.75

Breaking B read Together by Elaine S . Rich A daily devotional book authored by 12 women from various walks of life. Brings strength and encouragenrent from congenial souls. An ideal gift. $3.00 Order from your bookstore or Dept. KB H E R A L D P R E S S Scottdale, Pennsylvania



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