King's Business - 1963-11

J o h n B r o w n




Scripture: Judges 2:16-3:4. Text: 2:18, “ The Lord . . . delivered them.” Object: Make known the fact that there is grace in the time of trial. I. Judges Raised Up. ch. 2:16-19.

A. The People Repented. B. The Judges Raised Up. 1. Israel delivered. things half-way) 2. Lord with judges.

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3. All the day of the judge C. The Apostasy Repeated. II. Evil. Made Beneficial. 3:1, 4. A. Proving ground for Israel, 3:1, 4. B. Training for War, 3:2. C. Conditioning for Life. D. Dependence for Liberty. III. Discipline Means Life. A. A Strong Israel Made Poor Alli­ ances B. A Weak Israel Turned to God. C. God Governed by Principle not Ca­ price. D. God Controlled the Time, Manner and Severity. E. God Never Forsakes His Own Peo­ ple. SERVITUDE AND SALVATION Scripture: Judges 3:5-31. Text. vs. 9, 15, “ The Lord raised them up a deliverer” Object: Understanding God’s methods. Definition: Judge; Jewish history — a magistrate who governed Israel. Introduction: Apostasy 1. Repeated Dereliction 5-8, 12-14. 2. Recurrent Deliverance, 8-11, 14- 31.


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H U G H G IB B S . A .I.A .—A R C H IT E C T /M Y E R S BRO S. C O N S T R U C T IO N C O .-B U IL D E

The JOHN BROWN TOWERS is a fourteen story residential apartment program designed for ret ment living for Christian persons over 62. We believe the JOHN BROWN TOWERS offers the fir concept in services for complete retirement living. It is. designed to give each individual the utmosl personal service while allowing the greatest degree of personal independence. Residency in the JOHN BROWN TOWERS is based. on an initial entrance fee, plus a monthly re dependent on the size apartment selected and the floor on which it is located, and includes: util (including air conditioning), wall to wall carpeting, drapes, fully equipped electric kitchen, maintena postal service, recreational facilities, storage, master television antenna and telephone outlet, emergency nurse call system. Many optional services are provided to meet the needs of the most discriminating person, such as TOWERS Dining Room, a major medical program directed by the John Brown Convalescent Hospital, r service, laundry, and underground garage with attendant parking. An excellent social, cultural and religious program is offered. An auditorium for lectures, concerts, chapel services, a library, a spacious lobby, hobby rooms— these are all designed for you in the J( BROWN TOWERS. M O D E L A P A R TM E N T S N O W A V A IL A B L E FOR IN S P E C T IO N

I. Othniel — Judah, vs. 5-11. A. His Tribe, 9. 1. First in battle. 2. First in colonizing. 3. First judge. B. His Trouble, 5-8. 1. Intermarriage and idolatry. 2. Misused by Mesopotamia. C. His Triumph, 10-11. II. Ehud—Benjamin, vs. 12-30.

A. His Problem, 12-14. B. His Person, 15, 16. 1. Lamed hand. 2. Lone weapon. C. His Plot 17-25.

A FF LIA T E D W IT H : John Brown University John Brown Schools Foundation John Brown Convalescent Hospital Brown Military Academy Southern California Military Academy Radio Station KGER Radio Station KUOA Radio Station KUOA-FM

JO HN BROWN TOWERS is in the center of th attractions that have made Southern California worl famous. For a beautiful descriptive brochure, at n obligation, write:

1. Mission. 2. Message.

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J O H N B R O W N TO W E R S Post O ffic e B ox 7 5 7 5 L o n g B e a ch 7 , C a lifo r n ia

a. From God. b. For death. D. His Persistence. 1. The fords of the Jordan. 2. The eighty years’ rest. Conclusion: Another Judge, vs. 31.

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