The most profitable half-hour of your week
Starting on one small radio station in 1938, Dr. M. R. DeHaan’s RADIO BIBLE CLASS has gained such astounding popularity that today it is heard on the ABC radio network, regional networks and hundreds of leading independent stations. It is also broadcast in Canada and many foreign countries. A new Radio Log giving com plete times and stations is available upon request. Dr. DeHaan, a physician as well as a Bible Teacher, presents his lessons with such clarity and understanding that spiritual instruction becomes a vibrant, living experience. Why not make this unique inspirational half hour a listening habit every Sunday? Dr. DeHaan invites you to become a member of RADIO BIBLE CLASS by simply filling in and mailing the coupon below for complete information. Each month, members receive his Sermons in Booklet Form plus a Daily Devotional Guide —free and postage paid.
A Q U A I “ Telling
Dr. M . R. D eH a a n RAD IO BIBLE C L A S S G ra n d R a p id s, M ic h ig a n
P le a s e s e n d m e in fo r m a tio n o n h o w to re ce ive y o u r d e v o tio n a l g u id e an d serm o n b o o k le ts re g u la rly . Name___________________________________________ _
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