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T h e ir n e w vision drove the early church on relentlessly. In the New Testament it is described this way, “ Daily in the- temple and •in every house they ceased not to teach and preach the Lord Jesus.” There was an urgency about this new business pur suit that made them so aggressive that they walked it and talked it. This commission from the Lord had caught fire in their minds and hearts. It was not a momentary impulse but a daily, deliberate, continuous action. These Christians went out in spite of severe punishment and threats; they went back to the place forbidden — the temple. To reach others who were not at the temple gathering, they went from house to house, door to door. The results were phenome nal. The Gospel spread like a roaring prairie fire. The method itself became contagious. Those who had been won to the Lord moved out to reach others: telling, telling, telling. A business man was stirred to speak to others he met in his daily business contacts. He arranged his work sched ule so that he could spend several hours each day calling on persons in the community and inviting them to receive Christ as their personal Sav iour. A high school girl at the beginning of her senior year was deeply im pressed by the challenge of winning her classmates to Christ. One by one she found opportunities to speak to them and tell them about the satis faction of the Christian life. On com mencement day there was still one classmate to whom she had not wit nessed. She was so deeply concerned about this one girl that she went to her home and told her about her own promise to God. The classmate’s re sponse to the witness was, “ I had heard about you and was wondering if you would speak to me.” On com mencement day she too accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. How about a daily schedule of witnessing? If we are alert and eager, there will be an increasing number of candidates to hear the good news of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Try daily!
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