King's Business - 1963-11

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and Pakistan Christian Fellowship 1963 Marks Our Anniversary Celebrating 70 YEARS OF SERVICE

S erving in North and South India and E ast and West Pakistan V arious Ministries: E vangelizing in pioneer fields N ew Life Campaigns T raining nationals in our Bible Institutes Y oung people needed to expand these ministries

W rite for FREE literature CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 107-K North Hale Street, Wheaton, Illinois or Room 22, 205 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada

I n t h e b r i e f school days of my youth, I made some friends among the boys of the neighborhood. One family in particular had three tall robust lads whom I admired. They were bright in school and leaders in play at recess. I thought that they were sure to “ go places” in life, but one after another, they went to sea as sailors on merchant ships. Fragments of news in later years in­ dicated they had continued in a rough sea-faring life. The parents were church people and unhappy over this choice of occu­ pation. There were no previous sea­ faring members in their family con­ nections. While the parents were lik­ able, they always seemed too busy with church and social affairs to spend much time with their sons. I shall always remember that home: a large spacious two-story house well- furnished, abounding in pictures. Nearly every picture was of the sea and ships in fair and rough weather. The boys’ rooms were full of them. No wonder a desire to go to sea filled their young hearts. Another boyhood friend grew up around our home. He married young and when his little folks were small, he was able to provide a separate room for them. He purchased a beau­ tiful picture of David as a shepherd lad caring for a lamb which found a place on the wall of the children’s room. There was also a good reproduction of a painting of Jesus with little chil­ dren about Him and a child of four or five in His arms. There were other pictures of Jesus and John, the young­ est of the disciples. The room provided space for many things dear to the hearts of boys, too. They have grown up now and hap­ pily visit their aging parents. Family love has come natural to them, as has their acceptance of our blessed Saviour’s love. How careful young parents should be in selecting the pictures for their homes, especially for the children’s rooms! One can scarcely estimate the influence of these pictures upon sus­ ceptible hearts of the young.





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For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DEAN, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13800 BIOLA AVE., LA MIRADA, CALIF.



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