King's Business - 1963-11


by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College of 16 and 25 in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramleh, Lydda and Rehovot. Each of those interviewed was presented with a list of 27 professions and asked which was the most important, both in his personal view and in what he felt was the public view. About 95 per cent picked science as the most important profession. Following in order were: physician, diplomat, engi­ neer, writer, parliamentarian, air force pilot, secondary school teacher, painter and musician, lawyer, infan­ try officer and rabbi. This is a sig­ nificant development in science in Is­ rael. Communist China Expelling Blind Communist China is sending hun­ dreds of blind people to the nearby Portuguese colony of Macao, the Hong Kong Tiger Standard reported recently. According to the report, these sightless people are considered unproductive so are given exit per­ mits that will not enable them to re­ turn to China. According to a Cath­ olic priest who has been helping the refugees, 130 blind parents with about 150 children and 286 other blind adults have registered at his head­ quarters for relief. Cigarettes can have as much kill­ ing power as bombs, the magazine of the World Health Organization re­ ports. “Unless some of the foremost doctors of our time are wrong,” the magazine asserts, “ cigarettes are as lethal in their cumulative killing power as any bomb.” The report pointed out that the organization’s study group on the epidemiology of lung cancer, which met in Geneva in 1959, found that “ the sum total of the evidence available was most rea­ sonably interpreted as indicating that cigarette smoking was a major cause of the disease.” Since then, the article continued, studies have strengthened the evidence. The magazine’s report conceded, however, that “ not all evi­ dence wholly supports the contention that cigarette smoking is a major cause of lung cancer” and that there is still room for considerable research on the subject. World Health Organization Ties Smoking With Cancer

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Mu|ler Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Anglican Assails Biblical 'Poison' An English rector startled the Con­ vocation of Canterbury recently by asking that he not be required to read “ spiritual junk” and “ poison” from the Old Testament to his congrega­ tion. The clergyman, the Rev. Joseph Christopher Wansey, rector in Wood­ ford, Essex, since 1945, asked for a “ bold new look” at the Old Testa­ ment and a new approach to the con­ tent of the prescribed readings in the Church of England. He quoted from a passage in Deuteronomy XII, set down for a forthcoming evensong: “ I'hey shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction; I will also send the tenth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.” Mr. Wansey declared: “ Both in the daily offices and more espe­ cially on Sunday it is essential that our people should be fed with food convenient for them and not with poison. There is so much spiritual junk in the Old Testament,” Mr. Wansey continued, “ and I do make a plea for a reasonable Christian ap­ proach in the passages of Scripture. When Mr. Wansey had finished his request of a recent Convocation meet­ ing in London, the Rev. A. J. K. Goss of Hereford declared indignantly: “ I deplore what Mr. Wansey has said in describing the Word of God as poison, and I hope he will get up and with­ draw that phrase.” Science Is Choice of Young Israelis The most popular ambition of Is­ raeli youth today is to become scien­ tists — a sharp contrast with the choices popular a generation ago. In the 1940’s the ideal of youth in this country was to become a farmer or a member of a kibbutz (communal set­ tlement) or a member of one of the underground military organizations then fighting for Israel’s independ­ ence. A survey conducted by a soci­ ologist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed new aims and am­ bitions among young Israelis. The survey was conducted among urban youngsters thus excluding all those living on kibbutsim. The survey cov­ ered 420 young men between the ages

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