B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R “ T ’ m g o n n a c a l l Chris and ask her -11 to go with me to the meeting tonight.” “ Oh no you’re not, Paul Kent. For the past few months I’ve nearly lost my mind trying to get you to call a girl at least a week ahead of the time you want to take her out. I know there are emergencies but this is not. I won’t allow my daughters to accept a last-minute invitation to go out with a young man, and I’m not about to let you become that type.” “ She won’t.mind, Mama” (the 16- year old was trying to soften up Mother on the subject). “ Chris will understand. Please, Mama?” “She may understand, but / don’t. The answer is NO! “ Ardyth, please string these beans for dinner.” • “ Aw, why do I always have to do that job?” “Young lady, I haven’t soaped your mouth lately, but I can do it again. Your attitude has been anything but Christ-like in recent weeks. “Mother, you’re wanted on the phone.” This from another “ cherub.” A sigh escaped Mother’s lips. Thanks to a couple of recalcitrant youngsters, the telephone and a caller, Mother had accomplished next to nothing the entire morning. Now the phone call was cut short by the doorbell. Mark opened the door to two young men who had come to press the claims of their religious cult. Mother was in no mood for such an encounter. But she could not let them leave with out her witness to the grace of God through Jesus Christ. In the short span of some eight hours Mother had experienced work, wilfulness, w e a r i n e s s , witnessing, sprinkled with a bit of wishful think ing. But as she was about to succumb to self-pity, she thought of the words of Dr. Paul Rees: “Most of us are not over-worked. We are under-mo tivated. We could go the second mile if we could only be glad about it.” How well this man must have learned the command of Colossians 3:17: “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” NOVEMBER, 1963
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